
Sep 30, 2008 14:15

First, Eid Saaed to anyone who's celebrating it!  (I tried to find a Muppet video for y'all, too, but sadly was unsuccessful :P).

There are once again a number of issues dominating the news that I don't feel the need to write about 'cause I figure they'll work themselves out one way or another: the economic crisis (now starting to spread through the world), the possibility of a Hamas-Fatah unity government, Olmert trying to get some type of peace agreement signed before he leaves office (and the U.S. occasionally chiming in with similar executive motivations), and whether Livni will succeed in building a parliamentary coalition or if Israel will have general elections. That being said, there are also a number of stories that I think are important, so:

Leftist prof/newspaper columnist.: Bomb at my home shows settler violence spilling over Green Line (note that the article comes with video footage on the same story, so if you don't want to hear it should mute your computer before opening the article)
Apparently the lesson the Israeli Establishment learned from the second Lebanon war was to make their own cluster-bombs to avoid international embarrassment for their funder/enabler (a.k.a. the U.S.)?!! 
Autopsy conducted on body of 17-year old shepherd Palestinians claimed was shot by settlers reveals he was apparently killed upon picking up grenade.  Because so long as it's not murder in cold blood, creating land-use policy that leads to people, often children and teens, being blown up by unexploded military ordinance every year or so is obviously okay...
Another year, another strike? How bad is it that one one level I selfishly don't care that much if there are classes but really don't want the library to be closed?

A bunch more facists got elected in Austria.
Lebanon parliament passes new election law, which marks the last major component of the Doha agreement that ended 18 months of conflict.
Car bomb in northern Lebanon.
Car bomb in Syrian capital
Bombings in Iraq.
Bombings in India.
Stampede at a religious festival in India kills at least 100 people.
Clearly senseless violence is a great way to celebrate the holidays!

Deforestation in the Amazon accelerates; environmentalists say the rise in global food prices are to blame.
Violations reported at 95% of U.S. nursing homes. (I miss my grandpa...)
Fossil found of dinosaur with bird-like lung structure.

holydays and celebrations, news/links

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