(no subject)

Feb 11, 2006 19:05

In the past week I have:
* Completed and submitted my application for the Scoville fellowship (this included creating a CV which can be adapted for future endeavors).
* Done my history reading and gotten an A- on the quiz covering it
* Done a math problem set
* Done a chem. problem set
* Read and journalled about When the Purple Settles
* Submitted an article to The Progressive
* Finally recieved Safe Zone training
* Participated in WM's 2nd weekly Hebrew lunch table
* Gone to judo and not been sore the next day!
* Attended a Teach for America info. session
* Done analysis and worked on my presentation for lab
* Gotten the registrar to say that having tested out of babychem. doesn't preclude me from graduating
* Attended a step show
* Heard Governor Kaine speak at charter day
* Done other random errands (and even some fun stuff) not worth detailing

It's been busy.

Dissident Is Killed in Nepal's First Election in 7 Years
Communist rebels clashed with soldiers in western Nepal, leaving seven people dead.
Death Toll Reaches 36 in Pakistan Violence
A Bush crony at NASA resigned after it was discovered that he didn't graduate college (despite what his resume says)
Censorship Is Alleged at NOAA
Ex-CIA Official Faults Use of Data on Iraq
Employee Of CIA Accused In Thefts
Has BYU prof found AIDS cure?
Some evangelicals join anti-global warming initiative
An area of Indonesia previously unseen by humans yields riches for scientists
MD, VA earn high marks on AP exams
House Rejects Kaine's Growth-Control Plan

everyday stuff, news/links

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