(no subject)

Feb 06, 2006 10:38

I've been busy working on applications for post-graduation while keeping half an eye on my current schoolwork. It's been fun. Oddly enough, I don't completely mean that sarcastically...

Lambda has an intramural floor hockey team of which I am a part. So far we're 1-0 by virtue of the other team not showing up. *grins*

I've been doing a lot but don't have a lot to say about it, so here are some articles:

Hundreds die when Egyptian ferry sinks into the Red Sea
Venezuelan Embassy Official Expelled
Virginia debates vouchers for disabled kids
Betty Friedan died
World Social Forum spotlight on women
Erectile dysfunction/heart disease link
Lawsuit: Man claims iPod decibel levels, earphones contribute to hearing loss
School bus bully system exposed
An American Family Association piece on Brokeback Mountain that's shockingly unhypocritical
How and why one highschool cancelled prom
I wrote this opinion column for the Flat Hat

BLUES are motivated by INTIMACY, seek opportunities

to genuinely connect with others, and need to

be appreciated. They do everything with

quality and are devoted and loyal friends and

employers/employees. Whatever or whomever

they commit to are their sole (and soul)

focus. They love to serve and will give

freely of themselves in order to nurture

others lives.

BLUES, however, do need to be understood. They have

distinct preferences and occasionally the

somewhat controlling (but always fair)

personality of a confident leader. Their code

of ethics is remarkably strong and they

expect others to live honest, committed lives

as well. They enjoy sharing meaningful

moments in conversation as well as

remembering special life events (i.e.,

birthdays and anniversaries). BLUES are

dependable, thoughtful, nurturing, and can

also be self-righteous, a bit worry-prone,

and emotionally intense. They are like

sainted pit-bulls who never let go of

something once they are committed. When you

deal with a BLUE, be sincere, make an effort

to truly understand them, and truly

appreciate them.

What Color Are You?
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memes and quizzes, everyday stuff, news/links, my articles

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