(no subject)

Mar 08, 2008 06:00

Okay, so I've sort of lurked about for awhile, in the fandom and on communities, and this is really the only fic I've actively written for DC/MK, but I like it and hope all the wonderful people here do as well. :D

Title: No title.
Author: Hyperchef / Dannipet
Word Count: 330
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They're not mine. :3 They both belong to the wonderful person who wrote them.
Warnings: This is shounen-ai and deathfic, so be warned.
Characters/Pairings: Hakuba/Kaito and a random sniper guy that...well, had only one purpose.
Notes: This drabble was written for a prompt on Fanalyze_this. The prompt is 'One last kiss before I go before I go/Dry your tears, it is time to let you go'


He hadn't missed, hitting his target with pinpoint accuracy even through the rain, but he hadn't been in time to stop the other shooter. He could see it, barely: The flash of white as the phantom fell back. For Hakuba, that had to be the worst night of his entire life.

The detective ran across the roof and jumped to the next one, saving no care for his own well-being on the slick surface despite almost missing the landing. Stumbling foreward, he slipped to his knees next to the Kaitou KID, hovering his hands over the thief's prone body.

All was silent. Too silent. Even with the rain pattering on the rooftop; the police force skittering around hunting for a thief that would no longer fly; the blood pounding in his ears. He couldn't hear anything.


Looking away from the pink stain spreading across the jacket, he noticed the other teen's eyes were watching him, squinted. "Kaito." He yelped, pulling up KID's cape to shield his face from the downpour. "Kaito, don't speak, all right? I'll call an ambulance. You'll be better in no time."

He didn't reach for his phone.

"...'Guru..." KID managed to say again, smiling slightly. "Kiss me, please? Make it better?" His voice was so soft, almost pitiful. Rain still dripped down the side of his face, even though it couldn't reach him anymore.

Dropping the cape, his own face wet and salty, Hakuba shakily cupped KID's face, rubbing his thumbs over his friend's cheeks. "Don't go." He whispered. "Don't let me go." Not getting a reply, he leaned foreward, removing KID's monocle as he moved, and kissed him sweetly.

Both teens closed their eyes, only one pair opened again.

Hakuba gathered Kaito into his lap, holding him tightly and pressing their foreheads together, fighting back a whine. The only person in the world who understood him had disappeared in a silent crack of thunder, and the only thing he could do was cry.

Questions, comments, criticism? :3 It would be much appreciated.

hyperchef, fanfic-nonchallenge

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