FIC: Illusionist's Ball (5/?)

Mar 07, 2008 15:29

Story Information:

Title: Illusionist's Ball
Author: Saitaina
Rating: NC-17 (chapter)/NC-17 (full story)
Characters: Kid(en), Kaito Kuroba, Conan Edogawa, Saguru Hakuba, Akako Koizumi, Aoko Nakamori, Mika Kuroba (Kaito's Mother), Jii, Ginzo Nakamori
Pairings: Kid/Saguru, Kaito/Saguru, Mika/Jii, Conan/Akako, Akako/Aoko, Kid/Kaito, Aoko/Kaito
Summary: Kid and Kaito now have to live their own lives, while the BO attempts to destroy them both. Mix in Conan, Akako and Saguru in the same house and the pair have a lot more on their hands this dance. Sequel to Magician's Waltz.

Chapter Information:

Title: Sex and Violence
Summary: The group moves into a new set of steps as a new relationship is formed and the BO has plans.
WARNING: SEX (M/F and M/M) (and violence)

Chapter Five: Sex and Violence

“Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who decided to stand their ground.” - Unknown

"Missed!" Kid called merrily as he bounced away from his companion, landing in a crouch before pushing himself up into a back flip as his opponent came after him again.

"Well if you stopped bouncing around," Kaito called, lashing a kick at Kid's legs, only to end up flipping back himself as Kid retaliated, trying to catch Kaito's leg. He landed on his feet, kicking out again, crying out as this time he was caught and sent flying.

"You're both bouncing around," Akako said, adjusting the straps of her tank top before ducking as Saguru launched an apple at her. She drew a symbol in he air and the apple exploded before it hit Conan who was waiting to catch it.

"You're getting slow, Akako, that should have been destroyed before it came near you."

"I know, bossy." Akako said, flexing her fingers. She promptly screamed as Hakuba leveled the air gun they had been using in exchange for a more lethal weapon. She shouted out a word, ducking just in case, as Saguru fired. The small round paint pellet hit her shield and bounced back, smacking Saguru in the arm.

"Better," Saguru said, wincing as he rubbed his arm.

"Fear of ruining my top does that." She muttered, making a sign against her thigh. Saguru went flying back into the padded walls of the gymnasium, groaning as he flipped himself unsteadily to his feet. Akako grinned, raising her hand, energy cackling around it as Akako tapped into the electrical field of the house. "Ready for a real fight, detective?"

Saguru laughed, before raising his gun. "Bring it on, witch."

"Oh come on, Kid, you cannot seriously expect to do that with the BO targeting you."

Kid looked at his other half from where he was hanging upside down, eating an apple. "Why not?"

"Probably because they would shoot you, you're supposed to be taking this seriously."

"I am," Kid said, flipping back to his feet. "I'm just bored. It's the same routine fighting you, you duck, I weave, and we both are equally matched. It's no challenge."

Kaito sighed, moving closer, gently brushing his fingers over Kid's cheek. "I know, but this is important."

"And I know that, but it's not helping either of us when we have the same talents, angel mine." Kid said softly, taking Kaito's hand.

"Would you rather fight Saguru or Akako?"

"Will you mind?"

"Nah, I want to take on the pipsqueak anyway." Kaito chanced a kiss to Kid's cheek before moving across the gym and scooping up Conan as he dodged an energy ball from Akako.

Kid flipped between the pair, deflecting the paint ball into the wall with a piece of cloth he pulled from his waistband, before bouncing over to Saguru, kissing him. "My turn, lover boy."

Saguru raised an eyebrow and kissed Kid, before sweeping his legs out from under him. "As you wish, lover." he said with a grin.


"I love you."

Saguru looked up from his paperwork to find Kaito leaning against the open doorway, a dripping spoon in hand. "I love you too," he said, smiling slightly.

Kaito smiled back and turned on his heel, heading for the kitchen again, mission completed. Saguru watched him go before returning to his own work, smile still gracing his lips as he read profiles of grisly murder scenes.


"So, you're really leaving?" Kaito asked, sitting on Aoko's bed, holding the Cabbage Patch Doll her father had brought her back from a conference in the United States when they were children.

Aoko put down the underwear she had been folding, looking at Kaito. She gave a sad smile, watching a he clutched at the brown-haired doll, as if it would shield him from her leaving the next day. "I really am." She said, sitting down next to him, prying one of his hands off the doll and taking it in her hands instead."

"We haven't been separated since we were five," Kaito whispered, squeezing her hand tightly, finally looking up at her. "We even took gymnastics together."

"You mean you snuck into the class in tights and a leotard," She corrected, squeezing his hand back just as hard. "I'm scared," she whispered after a moment, resting her head on his shoulder. "I want you there with me."

Kaito rested his head on hers, not saying anything, despite his desire to be there with her, helping her, guiding her along. It had always been his job, to be there with her, to protect her and help her, but now Aoko was grown up, and it was her time to stand on her own, to fly with her own wings, not his. He kissed her cheek softly, brushing his finger over the wet tracks. "You'll do fine, ma cherie." he whispered, kissing her again.

Aoko sniffed, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her shirt. "How do you know?" she asked, lifting her head to look up at him, tears still glistening in her eyes, making them seem bluer then they really were.

Kaito smiled and brushed the new tears away, resting his forehead against hers. "Because you are Nakamori Aoko, the brightest, most beautiful, most intelligent woman I know, and you could do nothing but."

Aoko sniffed, before tilting her head up, kissing Kaito softly. Kaito blinked over her shoulder for a moment, before his hand came up, resting against her cheek, his eyes closing as he returned the kiss. Aoko's mouth parted after a moment, her tongue slipping out to slide over Kaito's lips. Kaito smiled in-spite of himself, his mouth opening to allow her entrance, one hand sliding down to her waist as their tongues met, gently massaging the skin he found.

Aoko's arms encircled his neck, and Kaito nudged just slightly, pushing her back against the bed, his body resting over hers, held up by his arms as he kissed her. They broke apart for a moment, staring at each other, thousands of things running through their minds, from their pasts, to their futures, to this moment now.

"Please," Aoko whispered, eyes pleading with him, begging. "Please let me have this one moment, if we have no other."

Kaito nodded after a moment, kissing her again, the hand on her waist sliding up, pushing her shirt up with it, caressing the warm skin he found. The sensation of soft, feminine skin, with all the right curves, dips and planes heightened his excitement, after so long with male lovers. He pulled away from her lips to pull her shirt over her head, kissing her softly, smiling at her gently as he sat back to pull his own shirt off.

Aoko sat up, staring hungrily at the shoulders, chest and stomach she had seen many times before, but never had leave to touch, before giving Kaito a copy of his own wicked smirk, leaning in and running her tongue from his Adam's apple to his navel and back up again, tasting the salty flesh, wondering at how different it was from Akako's taste. Her hands trailed across his body, memorizing the hard muscles as they shifted and flexed under her hands, before taking a chance and gently biting at his nipple, smirk growing as he growled above her.

She traced a scar along his chest with her tongue, remembering how he got it, falling out of a tree while trying to rescue her kite. Another scar crossed his arm near-by, and she mouthed that one to, before placing a hand over it, looking up at him. "Red Tear," she whispered, tracing the scar. "Snake shot you."

Kaito nodded, taking her hand away from the wound and kissing it. "Don't think upon it," he whispered, kissing her again, laying her back against the bed. He moved back a bit, sucking at her neck as his hand trailed down to her bra, tracing a finger across the mounds of her breasts before reaching down for the latch that held the garment together, talented fingers snapping it with ease, pushing it open so he could cup one of her breasts, brushing this thumb over the hardening nipple.

She groaned softly, and shifted, moving one hand back behind her head, the other resting under his, on her stomach, the action putting her breasts on display for him. "You're good at this," she said, smiling.

Kaito grinned back at her, kissing her nose. "Practice does make perfect," he said, before kissing his way down, across her breasts to a nipple, gently taking it into his mouth, sucking softly, his hand sliding up to the other breast, gently caressing the nipple in time with his sucking, making her groan.


"Might I ask why you two are staring at me?" Saguru said, not looking up from his paperwork as he made a note on the latest bank robbery tied to the Black Org's members (or as tied to it as they could get). He set the paper aside before finally looking up at the two officers in the doorway.

"Er..." the younger one looked at the other before glancing back at Saguru. "Sorry, but...there's someone downstairs who wants to see you."

Saguru blinked, before standing, buttoning his jacket. "Downstairs where?"


That caused Saguru to blink again, as he tried to figure out who could have been arrested that would want to see him. "Thank you," he said, before moving past the pair, ignoring the fact they burst into snickers the second he was out of sight.

He took the elevator down to the holding cells and interrogation, showing his ID to the guard before stepping into the main booking area, scanning the various officers and criminals, his eyes resting on a blond on the other side of the room.

The girl was wrapping a pigtail around her finger, looking bored as the officer across from her asked her questions, which she ignored. Brown eyes raised and locked onto Saguru before the woman burst from her seat, waving, her short, shot skirt flying up and flashing everyone glimpses of her underwear. "Saguru-chan!"

Saguru winced, rubbing the bridge of his nose before crossing the room, ignoring the stares. "What are you doing here?"

The girl pouted, sitting down again and crossing one leg over the other, not bothering to pull down her skirt as her garters showed. "I came to take you to dinner," she said, blinking at him, a small, barely noticeable smirk on her lips before she glared at the officer next to her. "I was innocently standing out front, asking if someone could get you, when he arrested me."

The officer rolled his eyes, turning to look at Saguru. "She was hitting on every officer that passed, making them...uncomfortable."

Saguru could feel a headache growing in the center of his forehead. He rubbed the bridge of his nose again, looking at the officer. "What is she charged with."

"Nothing yet, though she's being held on suspicion of prostitution."

Saguru fought back the urge to smack his head, giving the girl a glare who grinned un-repetently. "Can you release her, please. She's not a prostitute. An annoying pain in my ass, yes, but not a whore."

"So sweet," the girl cooed, giggling.

The officer stroked his chin, looking back and forth between the pair before shrugging. "Don't see why not, we don't really have any evidence to charge her, annoying people isn't a crime...yet."

Saguru grabbed the girl's arm, pulling her none too gently from the chair. "Thank you, Yagami, I owe you a dinner."

"Better be a good one," the officer said, smirking as the girl draped herself over Saguru as the pair talked. "Watch your back, Saguru-kun, your boyfriend might get jealous."

The girl giggled while Saguru nodded and bowed to the officer (a bit difficult with the girl across his back), before dragging her from the room and outside. The girl swung her arms as she turned to walk backwards, watching Saguru.

Saguru rubbed his forehead, not paying attention to the blond, too busy searching his pockets for aspirin. Which is why, he didn't notice as the girl got a wicked smirk across her lips, suddenly man handling Saguru into an alley way, pressing the man against the wall, her bod pressed tightly against his.

"Missed you," she purred, mouth parting to lick a line up Saguru's neck.

Saguru tilted away from the girl, looking un-amused. "So you got yourself arrested in order to see me?"

"Hey, getting arrested was not part of my plan. But I will admit, it worked nicely to distract you from whatever you were doing."

"Why are you here, Kidoko?"

"I told you, I missed you..."

"Translation, you got bored and horny." Saguru sighed, slumping a bit against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. "You know I don't like girls."

The girl nodded, giggling. "Too many squishy parts." she teased, wrapping her arms around Saguru's neck, pressing her breasts up against his arms, making sure a hand got a full grope. "Squish, squish," she teased, before Saguru shoved her away.

"You're such a bitch."

"Mm, I do try." she said, before pressing back up against Saguru, leaning up to his ear. "You might not like girls, but I know for a fact, you can't resist a boy in a skirt," she purred against his ear, drawing the lobe into her mouth.

Saguru groaned as images filled his head, mixing with the jolts of pleasure shooting from the sensitive flesh. "Tease," he growled softly, before tilting her head up, kissing her.

The girl smiled, kissing Saguru back, holding him tightly, ignoring the fact any passer-by's could easily look into the alley and see them, including Saguru's co-workers.


"Why didn't you ever love me?" Aoko asked as she lay against Kaito, her head resting on his shoulder as she drew random patterns through the sweat on Kaito's stomach.

Kaito blinked, looking down at her, before tilting her head up, kissing her softly. "I did, Aoko." he said, brushing his fingers through her bangs. He sighed, resting his cheek against her head. "I feel in love with you when we were fourteen," he murmured, his hand sliding down to rub the skin of her arm and shoulder.

"Then why..."

"Kid." he answered, kissing her softly. "Before that I was too chicken, and then...I was too consumed by what I had to do." He gave her a squeeze. "But I never stopped loving you, it...relieved me, after a while, that I never made a move. You were safer without me. They couldn't target you, if you were safe, so I pulled away."

"And pulled yourself into Saguru's arms," she murmured, kissing him again. She sighed, snuggling closer to him. "I don't want to go," she whispered.

"Yes you do," Kaito said as he kissed the top of her head. "And you know it. I'll still be here, Aoko, when you return."

She smiled, yawning as she gave him a hug, curling more into his body, intending to take advantage of this one last moment to hold him tightly.

Kaito held her just as close, his own eyes closing as he rested his head against hers again, enjoying the closeness between them.


Akako looked up as her white kitten was placed in front of her, almost on her spell book she had been reading. She pulled Charcoal off the table and into her arms, blinking at the still dripping Kid who was now leaning over to give Saguru a kiss on the cheek.

"Keep her away from me," Kid said when he saw Akako looking at him. "It was bad enough when she decided to come take a piss with me, but she followed me all the way into the shower and wouldn't leave."

Charcoal meowed at that, raising a wet paw to clean it, curled happily against Akako's breasts. Conan snickered, leaning over a bit to pet the kitten, ignoring Jack's bark as Conan leaned on the dog's head accidentally.

"It's not my fault you're irresistible to man and cat," Akako teased, passing the wet kitten over to Conan before returning to her spell book, removing the dove that had gotten away from Kaito from her plate.

Charcoal watched the dove as the bird flapped it's wings, before wobbling it's way over to Conan's plate, stealing a few pieces of rice from his bowl. Charcoal shifted, tail twitching, before suddenly leaping from Conan's arms, tackling the bird.

"No!" Kaito yelled, standing and sending his chair flying as he lunged for the cat and bird.

Kid went around the table to get Charcoal, only to trip over Jack who came running the other direction. Conan lunged for Charcoal, the kitten squirming and escaping, leaping on the bird again, trying to get a bite.

There was a cry, and Watson swooped in through the window from her hunt, dropping a dead mouse on the table, the body bouncing off Charcoal's head to land on Akako's spell book. Watson gave a small circle, flying back out of the kitchen and into the dining room, swooping and picking up Charcoal in her talon's as she was trained by Kid before, dropping the squirming and slightly bloody kitten in Kid's arms.

Kid yelped as small claws attached to his flesh, Charcoal clinging to the thief for dear life, spitting and hissing at the large bird. Watson landed on the table, walking a bit awkwardly until she managed to get onto Saguru's arm, the detective hissing as the talon's dug into his skin.

'Shush, Jack!" Conan called out, trying to quiet the barking dog as Kaito gingerly picked up his dove, petting her, trying to find out where she was injured.

Kid moved to help Kaito, only to have his other half back up violently, glaring at him. "Not while that demon is with you!" he yelled, gesturing to Charcoal, still clinging to Kid's chest, before dashing upstairs to go nurse his poor bird.

Kid sighed, pulling Charcoal free of his flesh, petting her absently as he watched the doorway where Kaito had disappeared. Saguru got Watson back into her indoor room, returning to take Charcoal and get the kitten bandaged from Watson's talons. Akako pulled Kid into a chair, cleaning and bandaging his chest as Conan got Jack to quiet down and focus on his bone rather then everything else.

It only took a while for everyone to get things settled and back to the table for dinner, or at least, what was left of dinner. Saguru caught Kid's wrist before the thief could sit at the table, leaning in to kiss his lover's temple. "I love you," he whispered.

Kid smiled at Saguru and moved past him, taking a seat next to Kaito.


Saguru stretched his arms over his head, yawning as he headed to the gym to warm up with the jumping bean twins before heading to work. He rolled his shoulder, working out a kink from sleeping on it oddly, his yawning covering the sounds coming from the gym, which lead to Saguru running into the door when he actually caught sight of what was going on.

Kid was on his knees in front of Kaito, one hand holding down Kaito's work out shorts, the other wrapped around an object, sliding it in and out of Kid's lips. Kaito was leaning heavily against the wall, his hands buried into Kid's hair, groaning deeply as Kid made a move couldn't see, his head falling back, almost smacking the wall.

Saguru stared, rather open mouthed, the shock of the un-expected sight shutting down his thinking process and leaving him to watch his lovers. He swallowed against the desire and the question of 'What the fuck?!" in his throat, leaning against the door as Kaito gave a heavy, mewling groan, the sound sending shocks of arousal soaring through him.

Kid smirked up at his twin, licking his lips as he slid up Kaito's body, wrapping his arms around the brunette, leaning in for a deep kiss. "Love you," he murmured.

Kaito smiled sleepily, nuzzling Kid's neck. "Love you too," he murmured back, wavering slightly as Kid got him dressed again.

Saguru turned, moving on auto-pilot back towards the living room, still looking rather out of it. Conan looked up from the book he had been reading, frowning as his friend shuffled through the room without really seeing anything, bumping into walls and almost tripping over Jack.

"Are you alright, Saguru?" He asked, setting his book down and wincing as Saguru stumbled into the end table near the entry way of the parlor.

"Yes, quite alright," Saguru mumbled, before promptly sitting down, missing the chair by a good foot.

Conan sighed and stood, grabbing Jack's leash. "Come on, up," he said, clipping the leash onto the German Shepard's collar before trying to force Saguru to his feet. "Akako! Saguru and I are going for a walk!" Conan yelled, receiving something vaugly resembling a reply from the depths of the house, before pushing the other detective ahead of him out of the house.

The pair walked in silence for a while, the only sound being the occasional grunt from Conan as Jack tried to walk the smaller detective instead of the other way around. The silence lasted for three blocks, before Conan jerked Jack to a halt, looking up at Saguru. "So, mind telling me what has you so distracted?"

Saguru sighed, running a hand through his hair, leaning against the park fence next to them. "I sort of...I walked in on..." Saguru growled in frustration, stumbling over his words as he tried to put the scene he had witnessed into words without re-living it in his brain, still finding the moment too shocking and arousing.

Not that he got why it shocked him, considering the participants, it could have seemed almost destined.

"I walked in on Kid doing something to Kaito I'd rather not think about." Saguru said finally, running a hand through his hair, trying to distract his brain from the memories.

"Is Kaito alright?" Conan asked, slightly worried. While he trusted his brother most of the time not to harm someone, especially if that someone was Kaito, there were moments when Conan had a bit of fear for those around Kid. He wasn't the most stable of their little family after all.

Saguru snorted, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. "Things I'd rather not think about' translates to 'things straight from a gay porn magazine'," he muttered.

"Oh," Conan said, before flushing brightly as his own imaginative brain was bombarded with images of what could have happened. "Oh. ...Wow."

Saguru raised an eyebrow, blinking down at the smaller detective who was now leaning against the fence next to him. "Wow?" he questioned, a bit of a smirk curling over his lips.

Conan pouted, giving Saguru a shove. "What? A boy can't have pretty mental images? I'm seventeen, despite what my records and hormones may say." He was silent for a moment, tilting his head up to watch the sunlight dappling through the trees from the park behind them. "This makes things more interesting for you, doesn't it?"


"Well..." Conan said, finding the side walk fascinating. "If your two boyfriends, whom you are in a sexual relationship with, are with each other to this may not need to keep two separate bedrooms...or listen to them argue over whose spending more time with you."

Saguru was staring at Conan, his mouth oh so elegantly somewhere around his feet, eyes wide with a slight choking sound escaping him.

Conan put his hands behind their head, trying not to smirk at the expression. "You'll need a bigger bed of course. And not that I'm over-thinking this or anything, though I probably am, but you might be getting more time to rest and some more...uh, vigorous exercise now."

Saguru made another choking sound, sputtering and Conan crossed his arms over his chest, giving Saguru a level look.

"If you tell me you've never harbored fantasies about having both at the same time, I won't believe you."

"You're having way too much fun thinking about this, Conan-kun." Saguru said, finally recovering his voice, wondering just where Conan was coming up with this...true or not.

Conan snorted. "Honestly...I've been waiting for this for a while. Kiden and Kaito have been all but waltzing around each other, not to mention are never far from each other, plus all the touching and whispering, so on and so forth. Not that I've changed my vote, I still prefer Kaito over my brother, but was coming a long time ago."

"But they're twins...kinda..." Saguru mumbled, scratching his head, a bit un-sure of the protocol when it came to arranging a ménage à trois between two nearly identical partners.

"That's their problem," Conan said with a shrug. "You've already been dating 'sorta twins' for a while now, it's not that far different to be three instead of two. It shouldn't be that big of a step for you."

"You're so kind," Saguru said, a sarcastic edge to his voice.

Conan smirked up at his best friend. "You wouldn't listen to 'kind'. Under all your eloquence and your extensive're as blunt as Heiji."

"Hey!" Saguru said and took a swipe at the grade schooler who was dancing out of reach.

"Saguru-kun, Conan-kun?"

The pair turned, glancing at the Inspector who was leaning over the park fence. "Inspector Maguire," Conan said, a bit shocked to see the man just standing there. "What are you doing out this way?"

Maguire gestured over his shoulder. "Murder down on the hiking path, you boys want to take a look and see what your eyes can spot?"

The pair looked at each other before shrugging, climbing over the fence to join Maguire and the homicide team.


It was usually when you were least expecting it, that all hell broke loose.

Kaito and Kid were attempting to decorate the large tree that took up nearly half the parlor, while Saguru and Akako struggled with un-tangling the lights that were to go around the fireplace. Conan had been removed from light duty when he was caught attempting to use his sneakers to punt the strands into the next time zone.

Instead, he turned on the television, just as the doorbell rang, followed by the house phone. Kaito went fr the door, while Saguru went to answer the phone. Akako's cellphone started ringing and she vanished into the kitchen to answer it. Kaito stared at the woman on his doorstep, taking in her cut, bleeding, bruised appearance before gathering Aoko into his arms, holding her tightly, murmuring soft questions in her ears.

"Dad was attacked at home."

"Baaya, calm down, what do you mean he was shot?"

"Issac, the house can't be on fire."

"Kaito...the news..."

"Some men just broke in, I was...they had guns."

"Is he Where exactly was he shot?"

"But mum's books...the ritual equipment...our history..."

"Aoko's plane..."

"They were trying to kill him."

"No, it's alright, I'll get there as soon as I can, have you called mum?"

"It's all gone?"

"Kaito! Aoko's plane exploded!"

"Kaito, it was Jii, your mother's been kidnapped."

Activity halted as the group turned to look at Kid who was standing in the hallway, staring at his other half, holding Kaito's cellphone. "Two men took her just a few moments ago."

"And that's it, for the eleven o'clock news, we hope you and your family have a warm and safe Christmas Eve."

saitaina, fanfic-nonchallenge

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