
Apr 22, 2007 22:10

A Good Weekend.

Things have been insane for about a month now. I think it was the trip to Boston that threw everything out of whack. That and the fact that I chose not to unpack or do laundry for two weeks afterward.

In my own defense, traveling is exhausting. Especially when you stay up all night two nights in a row just so you can have some quality (drinking) time with your best friend from New York. And then proceed to wake up at 6 a.m. to get to doula class.

Of course, following the Boston trip I had to get sick. Flu for 3 days, bronchitis and upper respiratory/sinus infections for about a week after that. Followed by a lovely bad bout of asthma brought on by all of the stupid, stupid pollen. Did I mention that it snowed in Boston, and that there was NO pollen?

Then there was the diabetes crisis. Blech.

And so this weekend, amazingly, has been calm and wonderful and relaxing. On Saturday J's mom, ex-stepdad (figure that one out!) and brother came up for the day. We went to Hooters, which was surprisingly good; as an added bonus it was great fun watching my 16 year old brother in law gawk at the waitresses. We spent the rest of the afternoon at the botanical gardens. No one whined. The weather was great (very little pollen). Munchie (our daughter) didn't run around screaming like a banshee. She actually smiled for some pictures. All in all, a perfect trip. Which was followed up with sugar free yogurt at TCBY. Yum.

The larger part of Sunday was spent in a near-vegetative state. We slept in and, upon waking, I proceeded to watch 5 (yes, five) consecutive hours of General Hospital reruns. A guilty, guilty pleasure of mine. I think Munchie is becoming addicted too. When I finally roused my lazy behind off of the couch I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning and doing laundry (not so pleasurable). Then went to dinner and had two lovely margaritas. Yum (and I mean it this time).

On a slightly darker note, I think I'm having sugar withdrawals. For all of my protests against artificial sweeteners I've found myself sneaking Splenda into my drinks. I feel like a crack addict. I miss sugar. I miss sweet tea most of all, I believe. I think that, given the opportunity, I could eat a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies right now. But I won't. I might as well be diabetic myself because there's no way I'm taunting J with sweet drinks and candy.

Not that it will hurt me (physically at for mental pain, that's debatable). I'll probably even lose a few pounds. Either way, I think I'm stuck dreaming about chocolate cake every night for at least a few years.

general, diabetes

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