[FREE!] How to care for your dragon

Feb 21, 2018 10:45

Titolo: How to care for your dragon
Fandom: Free!
Personaggi: Sousuke/Nagisa
Genere: fantasy, malinconico
Avvertimenti: AU, in inglese
Parole: 1291
Note: per il COW-T/settimana 6/missione rinforzi da Leda, prompt "Draghi!AU". Questo sarebbe un momentino da una AU abbastanza complessa, però la main story non l'ho mai scritta e non credo che lo farò mai XD però ho dettagli fissati in mente e posso scrivere la qualunque usando sto universo. Che amo tantissimo, ma che non mi sento brava abbastanza da gestire ;_; e voglio farci giustizia, quindi in sostanza non credo che ci proverò mai.

Sousuke sighed in his sleep, with his big arms tightly wrapped around Nagisa, the small human he'd captured and the one he'd slowly grown fond of. Nagisa's eyes opened a little when he began grumbling, and tilted his head up from the safe and comfortable position he was in, all rolled up against Sousuke's chest. 
So that's another nightmare, he thought, and as usual he began gently brushing his fingers up and down Sousuke's dark neck, quietly humming a simple two-notes song his mother used to sing to him, when he was a child. He found out quite soon that singing lullabies to dragons worked really well - well, at least with Sousuke it worked better than with human babies - and he smiled a little when Sousuke's face relaxed slightly, but also his arms wrapped up even tighter around the little human. Nagisa let out a sigh, petting his head slowly, and kissed his cheek a few times while the arm around him relaxed again, and soon enough Sousuke's eyes slid half-open. 
"Ryou," he mumbled, but then blinked a few times and grumbled, correcting himself. "Nagisa."

Nagisa tilted his head, sliding his fingers up and down Sousuke's neck again. 
"Who's Ryou?" He asked, more curious than anything. He'd never heard that name during his time in the mountain, so it was probably...
"Someone who's dead," Sousuke replied, with a cold and still sleepy voice, but his eyes moved away as he clenched his teeth together. 
Nagisa touched his neck again, and began rubbing his palm in circles there. 
"Was he your lover?" He asked in a whisper, and the pulse of Sousuke's jaw responded for him. And then he sat up, sighing, with his head between his hands. 
"I'm with you now," Sousuke hissed, and rubbed his eyelids. "I'm sorry."
"It is alright," Nagisa replied right away, separating his arms to crawl in in his lap and looking up at him. "Tell me about him."
Sousuke glanced back, with his arms slithering around the boy. 
"I don't think you want to hear about someone else," he said, and pressed his lips together. Nagisa smiled, with a soft yawn.
"I'm asking you to," he replied, and leaned his head against Sousuke's shoulder, grabbing one of his hands and petting it softly. 
Sousuke stared down at him, thinking for a few moments, but then eventually he let out a long, loud yawn before sighing in defeat. During his time spent with Nagisa, he'd learnt that once the boy got curious about something there was no way to distract him or talk about something else, and he would insist to know even for days. 
"Alright. But..." He looked out of the short tunnel that led outside, towards the night, and added, "I want to go outside." 
He stared at the sky and Nagisa also looked out, before crawling away and grabbing the fur coat the dragons had made for him, then wrapped himself in it. 
"Alright, let's go," he said with a tiny smile, and looked with a bigger one stretching across his face as Sousuke's body morphed, became even bigger; his skin hardened into black scales, the small horns on top of his head grew out and curved, and the shape of his face changed dramatically into a square lizard mug. He stretched his wings out, and looked over at Nagisa who was already climbing on his neck, and tied his arms tightly around it. 
A moment after, he was shooting across that black canvas, with the mountain already behind his back. The night's breeze slashed against his skin and he buried his face against Sousuke's neck, and missed the sights from up there. He would surely get to see his kingdom from above another time, anyway.

When they landed, Nagisa's face finally emerged and he looked around: they were on a tall hill, surrounded by thick vegetation, and the place Sousuke was sitting on was right in the middle of a clearing without trees, but they still wrapped around the hill with their roots, keeping it together. 
As soon as he climbed down from the dragon's back, Sousuke shrunk again to his human form,, which was still way bigger than Nagisa's small frame, but did not look as threatening as it did when they first met. Sousuke's big body, now, was more of a refuge. 
They sat on a big rock together for a while, quietly, and Nagisa huddled up to Sousuke's body, warm even in the cold outside. 
"Ryou was born a little after me, he was a warrior. Trained every day to fight the humans back. It was one of the first time they used that spell on a dragon," Sousuke said eventually, curt and to the point. 
Nagisa's heart clenched slightly, remembering how horrible the effects of that spell were - they turned scales and bones into something so fragile that even standing up would break a dragon's body, and soon enough a dragon would end up bleeding from everywhere with the internal damage. And of course, with soft scales, hitting it while it was down would be extremely easy for any kind of soldiers. It was a horrible kind of death, and when he saw it happen with his own eyes he decided he was not going to go back to the kingdom. He would not be able to look anyone from the Council in the eye and not punch them right in the face. 
"I'm sorry," he murmured with a thin, light voice, looking down at his hands as he fidgeted. 
Sousuke glanced down at him, and gave out a couple of harsh breaths before looking away again.
"You're not the one who cast that spell. You definitely weren't even born," he said, but still something cold was threading with his voice. 
But Nagisa still fidgeted, quietly, for a few seconds before turning his gaze up again. 
"Were you dreaming about him?" He asked, and snuggled up tighter in his fur coat. He would never get used to seeing skin exposed at all times, even at night outside, even though he knew dragons were always hot and did not need to cover up as much as humans did. 
"I was," Sousuke replied after a pause. "He's just one of many, though."

Nagisa looked at him silently, wondering. How many nights Sousuke spent awake, reminding himself of those he lost, and thought maybe that was why so many dragons looked unapproachable, cold, even unfriendly. Sousuke too, until Nagisa peeked at the gentle and patient core inside. 
He had nothing to add, and figured that maybe asking more things would only hurt Sousuke further, so he sighed and said, "the sky is so clear tonight."
Sousuke looked up at it, and hummed vaguely. "There are no clouds."
"We could stay out here tonight, and look at it," Nagisa said, and kissed Sousuke's neck. That was one thing teens did in his kingdom, sometimes, but something he would never be allowed to do, there. 
"If you want to," Sousuke replied, still with the same tone, like he was still thinking of something else. 
Nagisa kissed his cheek, and smiled when a low rumbling growl rose from Sousuke's throat. 
"I want to spend the night out here with you," he confirmed, and kissed his cheek again. 
Sousuke finally looked down at him, and cupped his cheek to kiss his lips, before lying down and bringing Nagisa with him. 
"That is fine with me," he replied, and sighed as Nagisa began chattering about all the dots of light in the black sky, telling him human tales behind the constellations, and his voice was the last thing Sousuke heard before he finally fell asleep, with a relaxed look on his face.

pairing: nagisa/sousuke, fandom: free!, genere: malinconico, genere: fantasy, avvertimento: inglese

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