[THOR/HAIKYUU!!] 2 triple drabble per il COW-T

Feb 20, 2018 14:06

Titolo: She may be the face I can't forget
Fandom: Marvel Movieverse » Thor: Ragnarok
Personaggi: Valkyrie (e menzioni della sua gf DELLA QUALE NON RIESCO A TROVARE IL NOME PORCA MISERIA CHE PALLE)
Genere: angst
Avvertimenti: spoilers (vbb che il film è uscito da un po' ma magari c'è chi non l'ha ancora visto XD), missing moment, in inglese
Parole: 300
Note: COW-T8/settimana 6/missione Nocturnia col prompt "Catene" (che era nella lista dei prompt Onyx nel midseason finale).

Sometimes She comes back to her. She sees glimpses of Her, not only every time her eyes catch a glimpse of a blond, long ponytail. She can still hear Her, sometimes, among the chatter of all the drunk and fighting in the inns of Sakaar. She hears Her calling, no matter how much awful liquor she downs, gulp after gulp, so much alcohol that glasses became superfluous.
She's the reason why she buried her own name under self-justifications, why she forced herself under a heavy blanket and emerged with a light head, She's the reason why sometimes she looks at the world she ended up in and a little thorn in her mind reminds her: that's not home. When that happens, she'll always grab a bottle of anything, and desperately drink from it until it's empty, until something strong fills her mind up again, pushing everything else out.

Sometimes She calls, as if She was somewhere in the back of a room, trying to reach out with her voice above the loud chatter and drunk yelling, over the awful music, over the glittering lights, over the moans coming from her lips when she frantically rides anyone's mouth, searching with her fingers for golden strands of hair.
In her memories, she hears her own name, Brunnhilde.

Sometimes she still thinks about Her. And not because of a trick of her mind: she will lie in her own messy bed at night and seek for Her, on purpose, digging through her own memories. She'll search Her face, the shape of Her lips, the sound of Her voice. she'll look for the memories of their short time together, the feeling of when their fingertips touched, one last time.

She can't let go.
She already forgot her name - no more will slip past.

Sometimes She comes back to her. She sees glimpses of Her, not only every time her eyes catch a glimpse of a blond, long ponytail. She can still hear Her, sometimes, among the chatter of all the drunk and fighting in the inns of Sakaar. She hears Her calling, no matter how much awful liquor she downs, gulp after gulp, so much alcohol that glasses became superfluous.
She's the reason why she buried her own name under self-justifications, why she forced herself under a heavy blanket and emerged with a light head, She's the reason why sometimes she looks at the world she ended up in and a little thorn in her mind reminds her: that's not home. When that happens, she'll always grab a bottle of anything, and desperately drink from it until it's empty, until something strong fills her mind up again, pushing everything else out.

Sometimes She calls, as if She was somewhere in the back of a room, trying to reach out with her voice above the loud chatter and drunk yelling, over the awful music, over the glittering lights, over the moans coming from her lips when she frantically rides anyone's mouth, searching with her fingers for golden strands of hair.
In her memories, she hears her own name, Brunnhilde.

Sometimes she still thinks about Her. And not because of a trick of her mind: she will lie in her own messy bed at night and seek for Her, on purpose, digging through her own memories. She'll search Her face, the shape of Her lips, the sound of Her voice. she'll look for the memories of their short time together, the feeling of when their fingertips touched, one last time.

She can't let go.
She already forgot her name - no more will slip past.

Titolo: Kneel before your king
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Personaggi: Tooru Oikawa/Kageyama Tobio
Genere: BOH. Erotico?
Avvertimenti: pwp, dub-con, ma still safe, what if?
Parole: 300
Note: COW-T8/settimana 6/missione Nocturnia col prompt "Premio" (che era il prompt Onyx della prima settimana).
Il contesto sarebbe il post-partita che la Karasuno perse contro la Seijou tipo... nella prima stagione? La seconda? Vbb, la partita dove Tooru pensò "magari un giorno perderò contro di te Tobio, MA NON OGGI" che penso sia una delle scene che mi ha fatto amare Oikawa CUZ OIKAWA IS OUR SADISTIC KING <3333

"Tobio-chan. You promised." 
Kageyama sighs heavily at the sing-song whisper in his ear. 
He turns around, shooting Oikawa his best (or worst, depending on the eye of the beholder) threatening glare, and Oikawa grins with sadistic satisfaction, brushing a thumb against his cheek. 
"Aw, you are so not cute with that look on your face~" he says, taking a step towards his former kouhai. 
"I don't want to be cute, and I sure as hell don't want to be cute for you," Tobio hisses, but still moves back, until the plastic door of the toilet stall presses against his back, caging him in there, in a filthy public bathroom, with the last person he would want to see, right now. 
"You are no fun either." Oikawa grins, and moves his fingers, slowly, through Tobio's dark sweaty hair. This time, he keeps silent, only staring at him with the most hateful look he can manage, in his eyes, as he shakes with rage and humiliation. 
But that's just proof he's burning. Oikawa's cheshire grin widens, and he hums innocently, "a dare's a dare."
There's no argument Tobio can use against that. He lost the match, and he's Oikawa's reward: he promised. But still, he lets out an annoyed grunt, then nods slowly, looking away.
"Now be a good kouhai and give Oikawa-san his reward, come on." 
That voice rings almost sweet to him, while his hand begins pushing Tobio's head down, and he finds himself crouching low, with the zipper of Oikawa's pants dangling in front of him. 
Slowly, clenching his teeth, he pulls it down, and the sound echoes loud in his ears. He avoids Oikawa's gaze, when he frees his cock, but he knows his senpai is looking down on him as he smirks all satisfied.
"Good boy, Tobio-chan."

genere: generale, fandom: haikyuu!!, avvertimento: inglese, genere: angst, fandom: marvel movieverse

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