May 15, 2008 23:43
So I tend ot not update ever so when I do always have too much to vent out. So here's a small update.
Txt'd Amanda last night to come out to watch the Cav's game w/ me because I just got off work and wanted to stop for food/beer and watch the game. So she left her fiance at home to come hang out w/ me. We stood around in the parking lot, talking for like 10 mins, until she asked if she could follow me home so she would know where I lived for the next time we went to lunch she could pick me up. She followed me and then came in and we sat in my room talking for a bit and watching some late night TV. Seems pretty obvious though, that from an outsiders point of view that she wanted something to happen, I mean.. if she just wanted to know where I lived she didn't ahve to come in and hang out.
But my morality couldn't resist, and we started talking about relationships, and how her fiance knew she was out w/ me, and at my apt after going to the bar. Wouldn't any reasonable man be suspicious or jealous in the least? She says he's not, but I just don't buy it. I point out that trust isn't always not doing anything, trust is not putting yourslef in situations where your loyalty can be questioned. I think she took offense to that, and I talked to her about I didn't think I should be having this conversation w/ her because I openly want more than just a friendship, so I feel like my opinion is a bit biased. She promptly put her sweater back on and left. I txt'd her after saying that I was sorry I overstepped my bounds and that I was sorry to upset her, and she replied that she was sorry too "for what it's worth." Not sure entirely what she's sorry about... I really wish I could just shut off my morals and just take advantage because really, nothing is probably going to happen, and if I don't, then I'm just missing out. But I just can't get myself to think and feel that way. It's just wrong to me.
Moving on, ya so this did turn into an essay... Gabe was transferred to Twinsburg as the GM, and thus because I applied I pretty much can't work there now. So they would like me to run the Maple Hts store. I talked w/ Lillian, my District Supervisor about this and how it's really so far from me and how there would be so much work to do. I told her I would need a fair compensation and that I'd have to think about it. So I told her I'd sleep on it, because really I've got tomorrow as my last day in Maple Hts before Gabe leaves and I've got a lot of work to do because I'm off on Sun/Mon. I'm not thrilled about this move, but if I want to move up and out in this company I'm going to have to bite the bullet and do this.
Other stuff: I'm likely to get to keep my volleyball league, but after tomorrow I'm going to have to kiss softball goodbye. I'm never going to get friday nights off again for a few months. Sucks. I'll figure it out though I guess.
Also, my playtime in FFXI is slipping hard. Just was declared Inactive by AD. =/ Dunno wtf I'm going to do.