Yeah, it's been an eventful week. From dealing with and withstanding all the nonsense that resulted from
the incident (FYI: He apparently resolved things with this wife (wtf?) and the whole thing was just a plot to make her jealous and get them talking again (wtf?!)--or so he says. Good for him but I told him next time he decides he needs to pull one over on his wife, he needs to fucking leave me out of it, because I am not that type of person and I did not appreciate my reputation getting dragged through the mud like that. Stupid bastard.) to the overwhelming workload currently on my shoulders (thank all the gods my associate starts this weekend--he's a transfer from a store down south, so he's coming in knowing exactly what's expected of him, which is fucking fantastic as I simply don't have the time to spare to train him), to this developing... thing with another co-worker (and damn, do I really want to get involved with someone I work with--again? Haven't I learned my lesson from the previous two experiences? le sigh)--I'm thoroughly exhausted.
Work is just insane, because most of our associates are taking their vacations now (after Oct. 31st, all vacation and time-off requests are automatically denied until Jan. 5th) so there's no coverage anywhere in the store. I've been running three departments by myself for going on three days now, as the closing associates haven't been coming in until 2pm or 4pm (I usually start work around 7am), which has left me with no time to get anything done in my area. I've got five pallets of freight to sort through and work tomorrow, on top of the list of to-dos I got from our district manager's walkthrough earlier in the week. And it all has to be done by 4pm on Friday (omg, today!). Mind, I also have to take a long lunch today, to cut the extra time I've gotten this week (I haven't gotten out of work on time once), so I'm working with less time than normal. Still, I'm hopeful that if I get the last of the notes taken care of today, and get fairly caught up on overstock and new freight today and tomorrow, things won't be so bad when I come back on Tuesday. Plus, I'll (hopefully) have an associate working with me, which will give me someone to focus on freight, zoning, and returns, freeing me up to do all the supervisor stuff I've been unable to do this past month.
I'd like to say that there's been a bright spot to the week, what with getting together with the new boy and everything, but even that couldn't come without its own dose of drama and headaches. To be perfectly frank, I'm not holding out much hope for this one, but that's mostly because I'm both entirely too pessimistic about relationships and a little worried that this could work out (if that makes any sense). Relationships tend to overwhelm me and I'm still thinking too much on whether or not I even want to bother with a relationship right now--especially one with a co-worker. Nevertheless, I'm going with it, so we'll just have to see what happens. I wish my meddling co-workers would just stay out of it, though. It's weird enough without them running interference!
Seriously, I'm counting down the days until my vacation (9/1 - 9/10). I'm half tempted to just become a hermit for those nine days and ignore everyone/thing until I'm damn good and ready to deal with it, but I've already made a number of plans (damn me and my need to make people happy!) so I'm locked into this whole play nice, be social! thing. I'm really looking forward to our day out at
Great America. It'll be Mo, J, me, and a bunch of other friends, and that should make for good times. And hey, I'm really in the need for a day of doing nothing but riding rollercoasters and screaming my head off.
A parting word for my customers: Dude, what the fuck is with all of you this week?! Kindly go take yourselves off and die in a fire. If you don't all stop being idiots (wait, too much to wish for--just stop being fucking stupid in my departments) I'm going to start smacking you all upside the head with a gallon of paint. It isn't my fault you waited until August to buy an air conditioner and now you can't find one anywhere because, gee, it's been hotter than hell outside and other people thought of it first. As I cannot twitch my nose and make things happen in the tradition of my namesake, you will not have a shot at getting an air conditioner this season unless the warehouse finds more to ship to me or another customer returns an unopened one. Take this as a lesson for next year: don't wait until the last fucking minute to buy essential and/or seasonal items, because I can guarantee you will not get them when you really need them. Forethought and common sense, people--they're useful like that.
In unrelated, happy-in-a-shallow-way news: Yay! New shoes and a cute top! ;)