Kratom is indigenous to the rain forests of South East Asia, mainly Thailand and Malaysia. It is a large tree that can be as tall as 15 meters. Over 25 alkaloids have been isolated from kratom, the most important being mitragynine. In addition to being used as a narcotic drug in its own right, it is often used as a substitute for opium when opium is unavailable, or to moderate opium addiction. As mitragynine suppresses opiate withdrawal, kratom is said to be a (temporary) cure for opium addiction. A small minority of users use kratom to prolong sexual intercourse. Kratom Super enhanced powder is the strongest form of this wonderful plant we have. It is active at only 1 gram, and stronger effects can be reached using 2-3 grams. Effects come on within five to ten minutes after use, and last for 4 to 6 hours. Kratom has both stimulating and relaxing qualities as if chewing coca leaves and smoking opium simultaneously. Some sources say that it is a stimulant in lower doses, becoming sedative in higher doses. The dominant effects seem to be similar to opiate drugs, including analgesia, roughly comparable in strength to codeine. Unlike opiates, mitragynine does not appear to cause nausea or vomiting. The feeling has been described as happy, strong, and active, with a strong desire to do work. Other effects of mitragynine are local anesthesia and central nervous system depression. Heavy use can result in a prolonged sleep.
The super enhanced powder can be consumed directly by mixing with other food (f.i. mixed in a milkshake), or made into tea, by adding hot water. Effects can be felt from 1 gram already, use 2-3 grams for a strong effect.Usage of kratom in high dosages may be mildly addictive. Acute side effects include dry mouth, loss of appetite and constipation. Side effects from long term use include anorexia and weight loss, insomnia, and a darkening of the skin, particularly on the cheeks.
Kratom is one of the most effective and pleasurable psychoactive herbs available. It is usually taken as a tea. Alternatively, the leaves can be chewed or powdered and swallowed. Most people use a dose between 2 and 25 grams, depending on the level of effects desired. The effects last for 4 to 6 hours. When large doses are taken, some residual effects may linger for several hours longer. At low doses it induces mild euphoria and reduces fatigue. Low doses do not interfere with most ordinary activities, however, one should not drive or perform other activities that require full attention. At strong doses (16-25 grams) the effects are profoundly euphoric and immensely pleasurable. Typically people describe the effects as dreamy, ecstatic, and blissful. Many people experience closed-eye visuals. Strong doses must only be used when one can devote several hours to the experience itself. This herb is extremely rare outside of its native region in Southeast Asia. Kratom is illegal in Australia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. A recent analytical study found that most of the "kratom" sold in the USA and Europe was misrepresented and is not the correct plant. Chemical analysis has confirmed that our leaves are authentic kratom. We feel fortunate to have been able to obtain a supply of the real thing to share with our customers. We are confident that this will appeal to many people who are also interested in Salvia divinorum. Highly recommended.Q. What is Salvia divinorum?A. Salvia divinorum is a plant used for its psychoactive effects. Given the right dose, individual, set and setting, it produces a unique state of 'divine inebriation' which has been traditionally used by Mazatec healers. This inebriation is quite different from that of alcohol. Salvia divinorum is both similar to, and different from, other drugs that affect the brain and behavior. In many ways Salvia divinorum is a unique 'magical' herb. Salvia (and the salvinorin it contains) is very difficult to categorize pharmacologically. It does not fit well into any existing pharmacological class. Louis Lewin, the father of psychopharmacology called vision inducing drugs 'phantastica'. Let us dust off this venerable term and recycle it by calling Salvia divinorum a 'phantasticant'.
Q. Does Salvia divinorum have a history of traditional use?
A. Salvia divinorum is used as a sacred medicine by indigenous shamanic healers living in the mountainous Sierra Madre Oriental in the northeastern corner of the Mexican State of Oaxaca. In Spanish, these specialized healers are referred to as curanderos; in Mazatec these people are called cho-ta-ci-ne ("one who knows"). Salvia divinorum is primarily used in situations where the curanderos feels it is necessary to travel into the supernatural world in order to discover the true cause of the patient's trouble. It is used in a ceremonial manner to induce a visionary trance state, within which it is possible determine the underlying cause of disease and to learn what steps should be taken to remedy such disease. It is also used in cases of theft or loss to determine the circumstances and whereabouts of missing objects. The leaves are always used fresh and are consumed orally; either by chewing the leaves or drinking an aqueous infusion of the crushed-leaf juices. Sometimes it is given to the patient, sometimes it is taken by the curandero and sometimes both take it together.
Most reports describe the use of this plant by Mazatec shamans, and although it is just barely touched upon in the anthropological literature, it is also reportedly used by their immediately contiguous neighbors, the Cuicatecs and Chinatecs. Given that the plant is quite easily propagated, it is surprising that such an extraordinary herb is only known of in such a geographically limited area. It seems quite probable that it would have found its way to other neighboring tribes through sharing and trade. Perhaps its use is still concealed from the outside world by other groups of indigenous Mexican Indians who still prefer to keep such a sacred plant secret.
Q. Can I get free salvia?
A. We strongly encourage people to grow their own Salvia divinorum plants and to share cuttings with others. Plants are available from a growing number of specialty nurseries. Since it can be propagated easily from a small cutting, you may be able to get a free plant if you know someone already growing it. Salvia divinorum is a relatively easy plant to grow. This FAQ provides basic information about growing the plant. To grow and care for one's own plants creates a mutually nurturing relationship, one that engenders a sense of respect for the plant as a living organism. The experience of Salvia divinorum is in part influenced by the circumstances of its acquisition, as well as one's relationship to its source. These factors are important, because they influence the mental framework with which one approaches the experience (i.e. "set"). Growing one's own plants and harvesting the leaves in a respectful manner is particularly meaningful to people who think of the plant as a sacred entity. By growing your own, you will have a constant supply of leaves that can be consumed in the traditional way: fresh, which is one of the safest and most rewarding methods for using this herb.
Q. Where can I buy salvia?
A: If you are unable to grow the plant, want to obtain specially prepared extracts, or if you simply want to experiment with Salvia divinorum to see if you like its effects before putting the energy into growing it, you will probably need to purchase it from a commercial supplier. Many people are uncomfortable about the commercialization and exploitation of sacred plants. The profound experiences they afford should not be pushed on to anybody. Too often, vendors sell Salvia divinorum with no information about proper preparation, safety, or effects. To do so is irresponsible. As a consumer, it is important that you trust your supplier and feel comfortable that your money is being spent wisely. The Sage Wisdom Salvia divinorum Shop is a recommended source for Salvia divinorum leaves, standardized extracts, Sage Goddess Emerald Essence, live cuttings, etc. Sales support the Salvia divinorum Research and Information Center, which hosts this FAQ. A detailed listing of other suppliers can be found in: "Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A: The Best of the Entheogen Review 1992-1998". Scores of vendors can be found by typing the term Salvia divinorum, into your favorite Internet search engine.
Q. Do Salvia divinorum leaves vary in potency?
A: Leaf quality and potency can vary tremendously. When purchasing leaves, it is usually best to purchase the most potent grade of leaf that you can afford. This is especially true if the leaves will be smoked, because the more potent the leaves are, the less smoke you will need to inhale.
Q. Salvia divinorum is often sold by the ounce. How many dried leaves are in an ounce?
A. This can vary quite a lot. An average, large, mature leaf weighs about 1/3 gram dry. However, a typical harvest of leaves will include leaves of all sizes. A typical ounce usually contains 100 - 200 leaves. It is generally best not to estimate dose by leaf count, but rather by weight.
Q. How many smoked doses are in an ounce of leaf?
A. It varies, depending on the potency of the leaf and the sensitivity of the individual. A person of average sensitivity should be able to achieve moderately strong effects from 1/2 gram of average potency leaf, or 1/4 gram of stronger material, such as "Sierra Mazateca Prime Harvest." To achieve the full effects from a given quantity of leaf, it is very important to use the proper smoking technique.
Q. How many doses are in one ounce of dried Salvia divinorum when using the quid method of ingestion?
A: One ounce should be enough for 4-12 doses, depending on the strength of effects you are after. It is best to rehydrate the leaves with a little water before ingesting them.
Q. What is fortified leaf?
A: Fortified leaf is prepared by combining Salvia divinorum leaves with some form of Salvia divinorum extract. This is also termed extract enhanced leaf. Many people enjoy the effects of smoked Salvia divinorum. However, it can be difficult to achieve a satisfactory level of effects from the leaf in its natural state because of the large quantities of smoke that must be inhaled. Fortified leaves make it possible to achieve effects much more easily. Fortified leaf products allow one to explore deeper levels than are available using plain leaf. This is particularly important for people who find that they are not very sensitive to Salvia divinorum. Another advantage to these products is that they are far easier to consume, since less material needs to be ingested or smoked. Fortified leaf products can be quite powerful and must be used carefully. To reduce the risk of inhaling too large a dose, it is generally best to avoid smoking products containing more than 15 mg salvinorin A per gram of leaf, unless the dose can be weighed precisely.
Q. What are the different forms of fortified leaf?
A: These products fall into the following two categories:
Crude extract enhanced leaf: This is prepared by mixing a tar-like crude extract with Salvia divinorum leaves. This type of product concentrates tars and other potentially harmful components of the leaf. Crude-extract enhanced leaf is often described by a number followed by an x (such as "5x," "10x," etc). The number indicates the ratio of extract to leaf. For example, "5X" is prepared by mixing one unit of leaf with the tar-like crude extract obtained from four units of leaf. The resulting product is thus five times as potent as the leaves used to produce it. This type of product can vary tremendously in potency because the potency of the leaves used to produce it varies. It has a somewhat sticky feel and inferior burning characteristics due to the impure quality of the extract.
Standardized salvinorin A enhanced leaf: This is prepared by extracting pure salvinorin A (the active principal of the plant), then adding a measured quantity back onto Salvia divinorum leaves to bring them up to a specific, reliable, and consistent level of potency. This type of product is time consumming to prepare, but is far supperior to crude-extract enhanced leaf. Products that have been prepared in this manner have particularly good burning characteristics because they do not contain the tar-like, gummy impurities found in crude extracts. Since the impurities have been removed during the extraction process, they won't end up in your lungs.
Q. Salvinorin A fortified leaf is often sold by the gram. How many doses are in a gram?
A. This depends on potency of the particular product and the individual's sensitivity. The "regular-strength" offered by The Sage Wisdom Salvia Shop contains 15 mg of salvinorin A per gram. If you are working with this product, I recommend starting with about 1/20 gram (50 mg). If you find that the effects are too mild for you at this level, then gradually increase the dose until you find the level that works best for you.
Q. How can I measure 1/20 gram (50 mg)?
A. If you do not have a scale that can measure this quantity, you can simply divide one gram into 20 even parts. First divide the gram into four even piles, then divide each of those into five. It is important that you divide it up as evenly as possible. Either package and store all 20 parts separately (gelatin capsules work great for this), or just keep one part separate to use as a visual reference to estimate the correct amount to use in the future.
Q. How long can I store Salvia divinorum leaves and salvinorin A fortified leaf without them losing potency?
A. Probably for decades. The active principal, salvinorin A, is quite stable and can be stored at room-temperature. It is probably a good idea to store it in a dark location, such as a drawer or cupboard, so that it is not exposed to the potentially harmful effects of UV light.
Q. Do tinctures of Salvia divinorum require special storage?
A. An ethanolic tincture will retain its potency for many, many years, provided that it is stored in a dark location. Salvia divinorum tinctures are particularly vulnerable to UV light. The salvinorin A in them decomposes fairly quickly when exposed to strong sunlight. Tinctures should be stored at room temperature. They should not be refrigerated because cold temperatures can cause a tar-like sediment to form in the container. Since this sediment contains some of the active principal, the potency of the liquid will be reduced.
Q. Where can I obtain seeds for Salvia divinorum?
A: Salvia divinorum seeds are extremely rare. For reasons not well understood, the plant almost never produces them (even when carefully hand pollinated). You are unlikely to find them offered for sale anywhere. Salvia divinorum seeds have a very low rate of germination and often the seedlings do not survive. Typically, one can expect no more than thirty percent of a batch of seeds to germinate, and only about seventy percent of those that germinate are likely to develop into healthy plants.
Q. What is a Salvia divinorum experience like?
A. It is almost certainly not like what you expect. Even if you have considerable experience with other psychoactive drugs, you will find that salvia is significantly different from what you may have encountered before. Salvia is unique, and it is best understood on its own terms, and not by analogy with other substances. Salvia is not a recreational drug, rather, it is best used by those wishing to explore deep meditative states, spiritual realms, mysticism, the nature of consciousness and reality, or the possibilities of shamanistic healing. Experiences vary with the individual, set, and setting as well as with dose and route of administration. It produces a short-lived inebriation that is very different from that of alcohol. However, like alcohol it interferes with the ability to drive, produces incoordination (ataxia), and may produce slurred speech.
The inebriation, at low doses, can facilitate aesthetic and sensual appreciation. However, the experience is not marijuana-like, and salvia is not a marijuana substitute. At somewhat higher doses, visionary trances occur. The lowest level visions consist mainly of closed-eye imagery somewhat similar to the hypnagogic phenomena that many people experience when falling asleep. These tend to be two dimensional faint images. The term "eye candy" is an appropriate description of the interesting closed eye visuals that are not confused with reality. At this level communication with others is still easy and one can move about although clumsiness will occur. With a higher dose vivid visual images occur even with eyes open, and with eyes closed one may completely enter the visionary world, and it will seem quite real, but upon opening ones eyes one will reestablish contact with ones surroundings. Speech patterns may be interfered with and communication is difficult. At still higher doses, one remains conscious but completely enters an inner realm and loses all contact with ones actual surroundings. Some people may move around in this deep trance state and for this reason a sitter is required for anyone seeking to explore such deep levels. With very high dosage a brief period of unconsciousness or at least the inability to subsequently remember the experience will occur. It is useful to have a scale to describe salvia experiences. One such rating scale is based on the mnemonic S-A-L-V-I-A.
Q. Maybe the scale can help me know what to expect. What's the scale?
A. The scale describes six different levels of effects, each one more intense than the previous. The overall intensity of a salvia experience is scored according to the highest scale level attained during the course of the experience.
The SALVIA Experiential Rating Scale
Level -1 "S stands for SUBTLE effects." A feeling that "something" is happening, although it is difficulty to say just what. Relaxation and increased sensual appreciation may be noted. This mild level is useful for meditation and may facilitate sexual pleasure.
Level - 2 "A stands for ALTERED perception." Colors and textures are paid attention to. Appreciation of music may be enhanced. Space may appear of greater or lesser depth than is usual. But visions do not occur at this level. Thinking becomes less logical, and more playful; short term memory difficulties are may be noted.
Level - 3 "L" stands for LIGHT visionary state." Closed eye visuals (clear imagery with eyes closed: fractal patterns, vinelike and geometric patterns, visions of objects and designs). The imagery is often two dimensional. If open eyed visual effects occur these are usually vague and fleeting. At this level phenomena similar to the hypnagogic phenomena that some people experience at sleep onset occur. At this level visions are experienced as "eye candy" but are not confused with reality.
Level - 4 "V stands for VIVID visionary state." Complex three dimensional realistic appearing scenes occur. Sometimes voices may be heard. With eyes open contact with consensual reality will not be entirely lost, but when you close your eyes you may forget about consensus reality and enter completely into a dreamlike scene. Shamanistic journeying to other lands, foreign or imaginary; encounters with beings, entities, spirits; or travels to other ages may occur. You may even live the life of another person. At this level you have entered the shaman's world. Or if you prefer you are in "dream time." With eyes closed you experience fantasies (dream like happenings, with a story line to them). So long as your eyes are closed you may believe they are really occurring. This differs from the "eye candy" closed eye imagery, of level 3.
Level - 5 "I" stands for IMMATERIAL existence." At this level consciousness remains and some thought processes are still lucid, but one becomes completely involved in inner experience and loses all contact with consensual reality. Individuality may be lost; one experiences merging with God/dess, mind, universal consciousness, or bizarre fusions with other objects real or imagined, e.g. merging with a wall may be experienced. At this level it is impossible to function in consensual reality, but unfortunately some people do not remain still but move around in this befuddled state. For this reason a sitter is essential to ensure the safety of someone voyaging to the inner levels. To the person experiencing this, the phenomenon may be terrifying or exceedingly pleasant; but to an outside observer the individual may appear confused or disoriented.
Level 6 - "A stands for AMNESIC effects " At this stage either consciousness is lost; or at least one is unable to later recall what one is experiencing. The individual may fall, or remain immobile or thrash around; somnambulistic behavior may occur; injuries can be sustained without pain being felt; on awakening the individual will have no recollection of what he/she did, experienced or said in level 6. People cannot ever recall what they experience in this very deep trance state. This is not a sought after level as later nothing can be recalled of the experience.
Q. What is the salvia afterglow?
A. There are two kinds of afterglow effects: immediate and persisting. The immediate afterglow probably is due to the residual pharmacological effects of salvinorin A (some of which is presumably still present in the body for about an hour or longer after the primary effects have subsided). This immediate afterglow is often described as a vague sense of peaceful euphoria lasting an hour (or a bit longer) after the obvious intoxication has worn off.
What is more interesting is that a surprisingly large proportion of salvia users report a second type of afterglow, the persisting type. It typically involves mood elevation, an overall sense of well being, and often a fresh outlook on life which can linger for several days (or longer) after the experience. This phenomenon seems to be quite common. For example, in a small online poll every one of the eleven poll respondents reported experiencing an afterglow. Three people reported it lasted one day or less (this probably represented the immediate type of afterglow discussed above). But six reported mood elevation lasting between one and three days. And two respondents reported mood elevation lasting beyond three days.
Differing hypotheses have been advanced to account for the persisting type of afterglow. It may represent a phase in which the person is psychologically integrating the experience. Alternatively it may have an as yet unknown neuropharmacological explanation. Those who think of the salvia experience in religious, spiritual, or mystical terms may speak of such things as enlightenment, satori, and "cleansing the doors of perception." Psychological, physical and spiritual explanations are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
In a published case report a clinically significant antidepressant effect of low dose salvia (chewed and held in the mouth) was reported for a single patient. The patient intentionally used the afterglow phenomenon for self treatment. Although we are aware of a few other anecdotal reports suggesting that salvia may be useful to some depressed people, at this time no claim can be made that salvia is a generally safe and effective treatment for people who are clinically depressed. Perhaps mental health professionals ought to systematically investigate this question.
Q. Could you show me an actual experiential report?
A. Yes. Many experiential reports are archived at: The following is one person's report of a first meeting with Lady Salvia. It was written by Greendrag who has given permission for its inclusion here in this FAQ.