Dec 10, 2005 15:14
Also known as wild dagga ('wild cannabis') and lion's tail. Wild dagga leaves were smoked by the Hottentot tribe of southern Africa because of its euphoric effect. It grows mainly in southern and eastern Africa. Wild dagga is said to be one of the most effective legal herbal alternatives to tobacco and cannabis known to man. The main active alkaloid is leonurine. In traditional African medicine Leonotis has been widely used as a part of many different treats. It is also used in case of a snake bite and as a charm to keep snakes away. Comparable to cannabis, only milder. In combination with cannabis it is said to have a synergistic effect.Use as tea. For a stronger effect the flowers of lion's tail can be smoked.
Skullcap (Scutellaria galericulata) belongs to the mint family. This herb - also called Mad dogweed - is named after its blossoms, which have the shape of a human skull. It is a relaxing herb. It can be used to induce a marijuana-like high, or to repress fears or pain or as a soporific.
Skullcap tea gives a nice relaxing feeling and can be used as before sleeping or to benefit meditation.
Because the herb does not alter the intellectual power or concentration, it can also be used to reduce anxiety at exams for instance. Furthermore skullcap can be used for a soothing on the head aswell as to reduce monthly infirmities.
To make tea take 25 grams of skullcap and steep in half a litre of hot water for 20 minutes, add sugar to taste. Drink 1 or 2 cups for the desired effect.
Skullcap may not be used in combination with medicines or tranquilizers. It is strong in itself, and the chemistry has yet to be identified.
The active compounds of salvia divinorum are salvinorin A en salvinorin B. The main compound salvinorin A is currently the strongest isolated hallucinogenic substance known.
You cannot compare Salvia with other hallucinogenic plants like magic mushrooms and cacti, is has it's own unique effect. Salvia causes only a short trip, 20 minutes to 1 hour. After this you return to reality quickly.
During the trip several states can occur: 2-dimensional hallucinations, out of body experiences, becoming an object, travelling back in time, being in several places at once and uncontrolled laughing.
The S-A-L-V-I-A trip scale shows 6 trip stages:
• S - SUBTLE effects, Relaxation and increased sensual appreciation may be noted. This mild level is useful for meditation and may facilitate sexual pleasure.
• A - ALTERED perception, colors and textures are paid attention to. Thinking becomes less logical, and more playful.
• L - LIGHT visionary state. Closed eye visuals (clear imagery with eyes closed).
• V - VIVID visionary state. Complex three dimensional realistic appearing scenes occur. With eyes closed you experience fantasies. So long as your eyes are closed you may believe they are really occurring.
• I - IMMATERIAL existence. Individuality may be lost; one experiences merging with the Divine.
• A - AMNESIC effects. Loss of consciousness. The individual may fall, or remain immobile or thrash around. Dangerous!
The Mazatec indians used two methods of consuming salvia: chew for a long time and then swallow down the leaves, or dissolve the leaves partially in water and drink it. However, both methods are not very tasteful. When you are new to salvia, start of with only a very small amount to test your sensitivity. The effect of salvia is different for each person and can for some be very overwhelming. It is important to use the salvia in a quiet, dark environment (with some candles for instance). A television is deadly for the experience, but an appropriate piece of music can be very inspiring. If you have no experience with salvia or other entheogenic substances, having a sober sitter present is absolutely necessary.
Salvia is not dangerous or addictive, but it is not a party drug! So use it in a quiet and intimate environment so the salvia can show it's full advantage. Most people do not feel an unpleasant hangover after using Salvia. Some people do report a mild headache, bronchial irritation, insomnia or irritability. These symptoms seem to be reported more often by people who smoke salvia than by those who chew it, and perhaps might be due to some combustion products, such as carbon monoxide rather than to salvinorin.
The seeds of several varieties of morning glory (ipomoea violacea) contain a naturally occurring tryptamine called Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA), which is closely related to LSD. The seeds are consumed orally, either directly or after extraction of the active alkaloids.
Morning glory is also a popular climbing vine with beautiful flowers.
There are many sorts of morning glory seeds. At the moment we sell Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers, Pearly Gates and Blue Star. Heavenly blue seeds are most popular. They are used for tripping because they contain the highest amount of LSA of all kinds. The description of effects and user information below concern only this variety.
The other varieties are most often used for growing. Flying saucer is known for its large 10 cm large trumpet shaped flowers, which are lavender-lilac to sky blue and white striped. Pearly gates has pure white flowers with creamy throats. Blue Star is a more rare variety. It has pale sky blue flowers with five blue streaks forming a 'star' and golden yellow throats.Like LSD, LSA is a psychedelic or hallucinogen which can have strong mental effects. It will give you a quiet, dreamy and trippy experience. The primary effects are as follows: dreamy-state, happiness, ability to focus and become intensely interested in anything you like, inability to concentrate on complex tasks such as programming, or driving, extreme mellowness. Because use is oral, onset is affected by the last food that was ingested. On a relatively empty stomach (try not to eat 4-6 hours before you eat the seeds), onset of effects is about an hour after ingestion, although it can be many hours before peak effects are reached.Primary effects last 6-10 hours when seeds are taken orally. How to dose morning glory seeds (Erowid):
Light 50-100 seeds 1.5-3 grams
Medium 100-250 seeds 3-6 grams
Strong 250-400 seeds 6-10 grams
Heavy 400+ seeds 10+ grams
Usage methods: Chew for as long as possible and swallow.
Grind and soak in water for 1/2 hour, strain and drink.
Sprout by soaking in water for 3-4 days (change water often), after which the white mushy part is removed from the shell and eaten. This is probably the best method for avoiding side effects, although it makes the effects a little bit less intensive.
The Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is also known as Blue water lily or Egyptian lotus. It is a live water plant growing on the shores of lakes and rivers. In the time of the ancient Egyptians, the plant was considered sacred. The god of the blue water lily in ancient Egypt was Nefertem. He offered the lily to the sun god Ra to ease the pain of his aging body. The Egyptians appreciated the flower not only for his pleasing smell, but also for its healing qualities. Many scenes depict women holding the flower, smelling its divine fragrance. Today it is believed that the plant was used as for a recreational drug (soaked in wine) as well. The effects of the blue lotus are both narcotic and euphoric, like cannabis or codeine, becoming slightly hallucinating at higher doses. It is also said that the flower improves sexuality and arousal and has a sort of Viagra effect.To make tea, take 5 grams per person and soak in hot water. For a traditional Egyptian drink, soak the flowers in wine for several hours. Use approximately 5 grams per bottle. Do not exceed recommended dosage: blue lotus makes the wine bitter and hard to drink.
Sweet flag (acorus calamus) belongs to the arum family. The plant looks like reed, it is common throughout North America, Europe and Asia, where it grows on riverbanks and in swamps. After the harvest the roots are dried. It has been used as a flavoring of liqueurs and as a medicine for many purposes. As a stimulant, a mouth wash, painkiller, a remedy against asthma and bronchitis, a rejuvenation tonicum and to increase potency and memory, or for plain enjoyment.
The major component of sweet flag is asarone, which can be purified into the amphetamine TMA-2. The most important effect of the herb is that it is stimulating and cheering and that it has a positive effect on the libido. A small dose has a slight euforic effect, higher dosages may cause a hallucinating effect. Dr. Shulgin describes TMA-2 in his book 'Pihkal' as comparable to mescaline, though without the colour-intensificationChewing sweet flag has a refreshing effect on your breath. When you make tea of it, use 2 to 5 teaspoons, depending on the desired effect. For a light euphoric, stimulating effect, use 1 or 2 teaspoons, for hallucinations use 4 to 5 teaspoons. For a stimulating effect soak 20 grams (aprox. 1 oz) calamus in half a litre water and boil it for a while. Sift it and drink a few cups. On an empty stomach it has a stronger effect. For a strong consiousness expanding effect you can raise the dosage. You can combine calamus with guarana, kolanut and other stimulating herbs.Do not combine calamus with MAO inhibitors like yohimbe. Look for more information on the page about MAO inhibitors.
Passionflower (passiflora incarnata) grows originally in Asia and North-America, but is cultivated almost everywhere. The most important active ingredients belong to the harmala alkaloids, such as harmine and harmaline. Has an overall calming effect. It is used for instance to help you sleep better. It also works relaxing when facing stress-like conditions. In larger quantities it can have an mild hallucinogenic effect and combined with magic mushrooms it will make the trip stronger.
Passionflower is often combined with other herbs such as damiana, lobelia, skullcap and hop (humulus lupulus). Passionflower can also be drunk as tea. Steep 2 grams in 150 ml of hot water for half an hour. Drink up to 3-4 times a day.
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