Help! Problems with the Dolphin emulator running Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Dec 03, 2011 12:26

Alright, so, I know emulators might not be okay with some people, but being at boarding school, I don’t have access to video games any other way. So, I downloaded Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn recently!
It’s been playing alright; it’s been kind of slow at points, but I think that’s a combination of my computer being old and the game being huge.

But upon getting to the prologue of Part 3 (Ike’s part), when the laguz go to transform in the beginning of the battle, Dolphin suddenly crashes and gives me this error message:

“Trying to compile at 0. LR=8023aaf4”.

If anyone can help me, that’d be awesome! I’m new to emulators, to be quite honest, so I am reluctant to just start messing with things.
Or, just let me know if there’s absolutely no way to fix this and I’m screwed, hahah.

I suppose I could always download another version of the game, but the school's internet is weird lately and I don't want to risk that. 
I could also download a new emulator? But Radiant Dawn doesn't work with Power Tools or PowerISO or anything, probably because it's a Wii game. /: 
And arghhh I was so far in the game, but, fine!! I will do what I must.

Also, if there's anywhere here on LJ I could cross-post this to get some help? I haven't been here in so long, so I'm kind of out of the loop.

(And this sounds kind of formal 'cause I posted this on tumblr too. T: )

emulators are hard, help i am stupid!, fire emblem

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