Today's Tweets

Jan 31, 2010 08:01

  • 14:15 Is John Byner still alive? Let me see.. Apparently.. yes. Yes, he's still alive. And starred in something called RoboDoc in 2008. #
  • 14:24 Also, until the internet age I had no idea that Bizarre was supposed to feature nudity. I thought it was just lame, bawdy, Benny Hill stuff. #
  • 16:46 I sort of like that Marissa Tomei is turning her career into a big "fuck you" to people who hated on her after My Cousin Vinny. #
  • 16:54 I knew going in that Birth of a Nation would be racist. But, CHRIST. The second half, especially. #
  • 00:02 @ BlackHoleDVDs The Kino DVD is careful to put the film in historical context (and I can still enjoy Intolerance), but it's reprehensible. #
  • 00:03 Young Frankenstein *looks* great, and has some funny bits, but it really doesn't compare to Blazing Saddles. #
  • 00:14 As lame as the Golden Globes and Oscars can be, nothing compares to the uselessness of The Grammys. It represents absolutely nothing. #
  • 00:19 @ hollywudbabylon I'm not even sure who it's for. The big awards only ever receive a cocked eyebrow and a "Huh?" from me. #
  • 00:20 This Roots Of Powerpop album is so awesome. Pointed Sticks, Flamin' Groovies.. Some of my absolute favorites. #
  • 00:22 @ Mattsuzaka Not a fan? #
  • 00:25 @ Mattsuzaka Thank goodness! He's led a full life, but I hate to see him go like this. Just rewatched Apocalypse Now and he's so fucking good #
  • 03:01 Roger Ebert's Great Movies essay on Birth Of A Nation - The finest distillation of the film's importance. #
  • 04:02 @ hollywudbabylon But life is so.. unpredictable! #
  • 04:09 @ hollywudbabylon Sorry to hear that. Saturday night is meant to be relaxing and.. inspiring. Sounds like you're getting the opposite. #
  • 04:15 @ hollywudbabylon So many of my own problems in life have been as a result of not going to bed at the right time.. #
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