Today's Tweets

Jan 30, 2010 08:01

  • 09:12 It's so cold I wish I had built that underground tunnel to work. Because i'm going to freeze my butt off getting there today. #
  • 09:37 Netflix on Demand is almost a good enough reason to move to the states. #
  • 14:06 Thanks, ants. Thants. #
  • 15:53 Nothing blinds me to a film's flaws more than nostalgia. #
  • 15:55 As in.. The Goonies, Flight of the Navigator, UHF, Cloak and Dagger, RAD, The Monster Squad, Transformers: The Movie and, um, Mac and Me #
  • 15:57 DJANGO! Django. Have you always been alone? DJANGO! Django. Have you never loved again? (?!) #
  • 19:49 @ bobfreelander If you like Greed, be sure to track down the TCM reconstruction. Pretty amazing stuff. #
  • 19:57 @ bobfreelander I think it was only a TV broadcast, but you can a torrent of it at #
  • 03:15 Goodbye Lenin! was pretty great. Would make a great double feature with The Lives of Others. #
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