Oct 17, 2006 03:22
Alright, so I just thought MAYBE Jay Hogart would want to know that --gee, I could have just SWORN I saw Ellie Nash and Craig Manning holding hands and getting cozy at the Dot this evening. Oh, no, wait, I'm absolutely positive it was them. And if they were doing that in public, they shouldn't care what anyone thinks, right? So, I just thought I'd be the bearer of the good news. I guess Ellie has her own little live-in affair. That's just so cute. So freakin' cute. It's good to see Ellie's really getting around these days.
I hope they have a really nice life together.
Thanks Craig, for proving that you never even loved me in the first place. At least now I know how you really felt. Boy, do I feel dumb for wasting my time feeling upset about breaking up with you.
((p.s.- Does Jay have Manny on his AIM buddy list, and if not, could he add her? I've never seen him on in my life and I realized maybe you forgot to add my name and I can't see you until I'm on your list. :-\))