Five Good Things

Aug 16, 2008 14:21

(What's your five good things today?)

I didn't end up working last night, so I had a nice long phone chat with Mom. I still need to burn that country western CD for Mom and one for Sis. Sis loves her new job so it's okay she is mui busy and not emailing me much. I'm *so* glad she likes her new gig!

Barry sent the most cheeky letter yesterday and enclosed a Ledisi CD, because I had said how much I liked her song "Alright". He can be such a doll (when he wants to be, LOL). We also talked last night, too. Last night was "long phone calls night". ♥

Team USA prevailed today. Good showing. I just love basketball!

So far it's still sunny and I plan to go to the beach. I've been reminded for about the millionth time that I require to be near water often, so I will happily comply. Remember, moving water = negative ions, which are mood lifters. Go to your nearest stream, lake, pond, river, fountain or ocean :)

Excellent links recently, from friends here and offline... cool stuff. Marie in Seattle area... an RN and an energy worker Readings, radio archives, and local seminars...

This beautiful online "Gaian Tarot" that Julia turned me onto at

and... this astrologer Isha Lerner in Eugene, Oregon ... writes these interesting daily trend reports .... Check what she says about today, Aug 16 - the eclipse and full moon energy

Plus, look at this beautiful art from her Triple Goddess Tarot deck, called "Open Heart"

The artist's name is Mara Friedman

And Mara Friedman's site is !

And, of course, my community gathering tonight under the full moon. I am intending a beautifully clear sky this evening.

So that's more than 5 things ♥ ... Life is grand.

Blessings to All of You - Have an Amazing and Serendipitous Weekend ♥

gratitude, friends, lunar, astrology, art, five good things

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