- 16:35 @ stevebiddle yes, I called comms to report the tail back to Kennedy Good Bridge and they mentioned that. Bus missed it all though via Petone #
- 17:14 Just caught #route92 w/ 2secs to spare after last minute query on the way out door & going back for Mesh?Pod i'd left charging. A long day! #
- 06:31 I asked for 20°C and heat pump is maintaining 16°C against the -1°C outside. L:home. Hobbies room unheated at 13°C. 'tis #frost'y & #cold... #
- 06:33 ... but perfect for Satellite viewing:
RT @Sat_Wellington: dir: SW217 at 7:10:19, maxAttack:26° SSE168 at 7:12:42 bit.ly/9Dyf2s #ISS # - 07:05 Ran 1.2km home to #route92 in 4m. Grass was solid w/ice underfoot. 'I feel cold just looking at you' -Fellow commuter. Shortsleeves, no hat. #
- 07:59 Cool, @UPnz has posted a short guide to what you can do with the #UPnzBeta site at bit.ly/9LQW3k ! #
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