- 14:54 Anyone UP for a small challenge? - login to #UPnzBeta and add your twitter handle to profile..
/me is lonely at beta.UP.org.nz/planet # - 15:32 @ Aethylred on signup or password reset? If you're an @UPnz member the site should have your account already - but will need password reset? #
- 15:38 @ Aethylred hrm, yes, confirmed that #fail
Capatcha musta died in server move. Try again now at beta.UP.org.nz/user/register #UPnzBeta # - 18:16 RT @GeniusNet: Neat! My article about @UPnz & Welly tech scene got published: iwmn.me/1lyr36 <-- good stuff Paul! Cheers for UP plug! #
- 21:37 @ nzkoz @PolarBearFarm Always liked @vimeo for the speed, but agree with that peering argument. Don't get how big ISPs can get away with that #
- 21:41 Surviving 1st night of temporary bachelorhood (@lilblip & @CabbetteNZ in Palmy w/@1IdGirl)
Found Chicken Roast (YMCA) & #geek'n w/#UPnzBeta # - 06:50 Left early for the bus and caught a glimpse of the space station. It's a -
dial2do.com/134qetmw # - 07:01 Hello. This is a test reminder.
dial2do.com/13xla3xt # - 07:01 #route92 pneumatic doors frozen up again and there is ice *inside* the bus, my breath foggy. Is warmer in than out, even w/door open on #SH2 #
- 07:11 Rumours of some #traffic accident on #SH2 just past L:Melling, Lower Hutt, NZ: anyone confirm? I expect #route92 will divert via Hutt soon. #
- 07:15 13 minutes of travelling in <10*C air has warned up the air pipes and door closed. #route92 diverted at KGB. #SH2 #traffic Tail for ages! #
- 07:22 At least Lower Hutt isn't congested & we're in a bus, so Petone bus lanes are where we're headed on #route92 express commuter. 2 accidents! <
a href="http://twitter.com/JoMangee/statuses/18376479893"># - 07:26 Heh, #route92 express commuter @Snapper GPS says Zone Boundary 4-5 #SH2, but bus just passed my old student flat in Richmond st, Petone. :-D #
- 07:31 All clear at Petone. No #traffic on esplanade.. Merged back to #SH2. short free run at 100km/h before normal urban motorway traffic. early! #
- 07:53 lol. L:comms 3 min later than normal, thanks to #route92++ driver of 20yrs. *555 #NZP calltaker (2I for #KGB tail) surprised 2c me so soon.. #
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