(no subject)

Apr 20, 2011 10:31

You'll be pleased to know that this is the only doodle I can actually show you from the London book fair. so that keeps this post smaller. XD yeh, Adam and Joe ... from the telly in the 90s

I was pretty dishearten by the London book fair. especially on the first 2 days there. I'd just spent a lot of time and money getting 50 books printed, and it turned out I only needed 3. Over the 3 days there we found a grand total of 1 art director. The panels were very interesting but I walked away most days to get my train feeling like this:

umm ... yeh .. my work falls under - at a glance it looks like its for kids but the story content is supposed to be aimed at teens/young adults.
which I guess is sort of why the small press exists in the first place. its somewhere we can do exactly what we want and no one has to risk there not being a big market. I just felt annoyed with myself that I'd picked the wrong target audience. I think I was assuming Scott Pilgrim would open up a massive industry of s type of comic for teenagers which hasn't really happened.

awh well, I don't really regret going .. I just wish the emphasis of importance uni put on it was lower or on something slightly different. We'd just found that it was difficult to compile a strong portfolio when all our newest work was from 2 large projects. I just couldn't find high quality and variety from the work we've done this year.

It was probably the best I went straight to Spring Harvest after the book fair. (even though I'm very tired still) I've had time to look at whats really on my plate and be thankful for that instead of mopping around online worried about not having the right work for the book fair. I have at leased 3 submission guidelines/possible job opportunities to work on this Easter - they just didn't come from the book fair.

so yeh, I'm thinking about selling some of my Giant Rhinos Dummy Books because I have so many left over.
Is anyone interested? I'd be selling them online for now - about £5 for 1 chapter, character sheets and extras in the back

I'm also considering taking a break to sort out somethings I wish I'd tried fixing before drawing the first chapter in the first place (gah uni deadlines).

jobs, london book fair, giant rhinos, freelance, work

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