pretty is as pretty does...and I don't

Oct 02, 2008 22:21

One of this month's featured communities on LJ involves people displaying pictures of their bento lunches, and now I'm thinking I want to start packing a bento box for work. Except I don't cook. (It's difficult for most people to understand the extent to which I don't cook. I consider heating frozen processed foods to be cooking. It took over a month of experimentation and advice from two friends in order for me to make an edible cheesy potato casserole.) And I don't decorate. There is no Martha Stewart in me. So really what I am saying is that I would like a packed bento to appear magically on my kitchen table every morning as I am leaving for work. And then, because I am not much for cleaning either, the box and utensils should just as mysteriously disappear after the food has been consumed.

I did enjoy reading about the 3:1:2 rule (carbs:protein:produce). A 600ml lunch vessel would certainly help with portion control. I know my bunny bowls brought sanity to my morning oatmeal consumption.


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