Thank you for asking! I copied my 4-founder legacy neighborhood to the PC so they could benefit from the features in the new expansion. (The sewing table looks great in the Swenson's farmhouse.) The transfer has proven a little glitchy, from minor inconveniences like the cars and driveways being deleted from their residences to peskier annoyances like the invisible, unselectable objects that keep generating to block the Sims' paths. (I have to use a hack to nuke the objects.) I also lost all of their scrapbook photos, since that data is actually stored outside the neighborhood. So, no pictures in this post. Worse, I'm suffering from separation anxiety, since I don't bring the PC to work.
I finally had the opportunity to test the PC game on an external monitor...OMG it looked beautiful. What the heck is wrong with the Thinkpad's screen? I was this close -><- to buying the same model monitor I tested on (a 17" Samsung) when Cory made me doubt myself because 17" is on the wee small end for monitors these days. I dunno.
But enough about me.
Here's what's happening to them:
The Swenson household
Owen and Jane (Porter) Swenson are now both elders, which meant Owen could finally fulfill his lifetime want (LTW) of celebrating a golden anniversary with his spouse. They threw a lovely party, with all their old college friends in attendance. It epitomized everything this legacy is about. Jane's LTW is to have 6 grandchildren. As they have none so far, I'm not sure she'll live to see 6.
Abigail is now an adult, living at home. She never expressed a desire to go to college. If her parents had rolled the "Abigail goes to college" want, I would have sent her, but no. They were both too busy obsessing over Emma getting a scholarship. I hope Abby rolls a "move out" want soon, because the farmhouse is just too small for 5 grown Swensons, and the property will eventually go to the boy, Cody. (Owen is such a traditionalist.)
Emma is now a teenager, and I've locked her "go to college" want. (You are going to college, young lady!) Although she's technically generation 2b, I may send her off to school with gen2a because I don't want to wrangle 3 sub-generations through Uni and she can't go to college with her little brother (gen2c).
Cody just aged up to teen...and I just realized I was so Abigail-obsessed (oh, Abigail, what will become of you now?) that I neglected to check his LTW. Oops. Incidentally, he's currently exhibiting no inclination to go to college.
Swenson family natural enthusiasms (new FT feature):
Owen, games
Jane, nature
Abigail, nature (I know, she should inherit the farm. But she won't.)
Emma, music and dance
Cody, cuisine (or, as they call it on the farm, cookin')
The Keller-Seavey household
Brooke and Alon are also both elders. Brooke long ago realized her LTW of earning 100K simoleans, but Alon will never realize his LTW to own 5 successful businesses. Poor, frustrated Alon.
The twins, Bailey and Tabitha, are teens with the "go to college" want locked. Since Abigail grew up, I'm ready to move the other members of gen2a off to school, where Tabitha can continue to date her way through everyone she meets. (Teens can only date other teens in the Sims, so she has dated everyone in her age group except the Swenson and Stone kids. She still has 42 first dates to go to meet her LTW.)
Min (an invisible Servo crafted by Brooke) has the LTW to earn 100K simoleans and is annoying the heck out of me with her grouchiness. I was off managing Bailey's first date when Min said something to Tabitha that made her run to her room crying, provoking Brooke into quarreling with Min.
Keller-Seavey natural enthusiams:
Brooke, Alon, Bailey, Min: sports (They all happen to share the fortune aspiration. I hope sports isn't hard-coded as a hobby for fortune Sims, 'cause that could get boring real soon.)
Tabitha: fitness (I love that it fits in thematically with sports, but is just a tiny bit different. That's our Tabby.)
The Stone household
Mason and Aiyana, both elders, have fulfilled their LTWs. I wanted the Stones to buy a beach house on Twikii Island as a vacation home, but it seems a little unfair to Raine to do it now, when she's going to go off to college and won't be able to visit.
Raine's a gen2a teen, so she'll be going off to college soon. She still doesn't have much of a story, but it turns out that her personality is as grumpy as Min's. Raine was visiting Baskerville's market stalls when she spotted a then-teenaged Abigail on a date with a boy she had a crush on. Ever since then, she's been cruising by the Swenson's farmhouse to steal their newspapers and kick over their garbage cans. If the Swensons ran a dairy farm, she'd probably tip their cows.
Jordan, gen2c, is still a child. Like his sister Raine, not much story yet. There's something bland about the second-generation Stones. I liked Mason, who I pictured as a money- and status-obsessed fifth cousin once removed to the family that founded Bluestone Beach. But now that he's earned his fortune, there's not much story for the kids.
Stone family natural enthusiasms:
Mason: nature
Aiyana: games (She's in The Zone, which means she has maxed her enthusiasm for this hobby and glows when she plays games.)
Raine: fitness
Jordan: arts & crafts