"My car became the church and I the worshipper of silence there..."

Aug 01, 2004 12:34

You know I really should leave myself with more than five minutes to post before work here in the future, it's just that everyone had been wanting me to post and all that stuff. I really don't have all that much to say. For those who didn't know, I've been sworn into the Air Force and I passed the tests for both Linguist and Computer Programmer so the likelyhood of me going into those fields is high. Whee.

My hours at work are changing, I haven't had a chance to look at the days I do work, but in general I will have monday through wednesday off to play around with and one sunday a month as opposed to the weekend I usually get.

I've been kinda moping the past day or two because first I was out of town for dad's retirement and when I got home the boys weren't here. They kinda make this house feel more like home even when we're fighting. Knowing they're there to come home to as well as the others. According to Logan they won't be home til Tuesday, which has me riled up since they told me monday before I left last thursday. Buggers.

I've been asked/volunteered to do my Super Group's website for City of Heroes... sounds fun but now I am in doubt because one of the other girls wanted to do it and is much more artistically inclined than I am. Kinda depressing, I might just back out and let her do it, giving her pointers on html. Ah well.

Enough for now, gotta jet to get to work. Time for quizzies!

MModernAAmbivalentNNuttyGGloomyAAwkward RRealisticAAmbitiousTTemperamental
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

Heroic Courage: You are a very brave person who
puts others before yourself, believes in
helping those in need. People would consider
you noble and caring, and someone to always
count on.

Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
brought to you by Quizilla
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