Kisumai Dokidoki~n (download: 57 Full Episodes)

Aug 09, 2021 05:09

LOVE Kisumai YES! ✽-(ˆ▽ˆ)/✽ HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY KIS-MY-FT2! ✽\(ˆ▽ˆ)-✽

So…I was gonna wait until I had all the Dokidoki~n episodes before I posted it here…but I wanted to do something special for Kisumai’s 10th anniversary and thought that uploading the 50+ episodes I had now would be a nice anniversary gift for everyone~

I’m so proud of Kisumai to hit this milestone, and I wish them all the more happiness and success for their next decade~ (´⌣`ʃƪ)

Before we get to the links, I’m feeling a bit nostalgic so it would be nice if everyone can answer the following fun questions in the comments below (it would be nice to see what kind of Kisumai fans are out there)

1. Do you have nicknames for the members, and if yes, what are they?
2. Who is your ichiban (favorite member)?
3. Who is your favorite pairing (if you have one)?
4. What is your favorite Kisumai song of all time?
5. Out of all the members, whose solos do you like the most?
6. What is your favorite Kisumai concert?
7. How long have you been a Kisumai fan for?
8. Give a fun Kisumai fact about yourself!
9. What do you love about Kisumai?
10. What is a wish that you have for Kisumai? (Like a collab you want to see or a type a PV/bangumi you want Kisumai to do)

And for those curious, here are my answers:


1. Kitayama = Kitayan, Senga = Senchan, Miyata = Miyacchi, Yokoo = Shishou, Fujigaya = Gaya, Tamamori = Tama, Nikaido = Nika

2. Miyacchi~

3. Tamamiya ♡


5. Nika-chan (there isn’t one solo from him that I didn’t like- I love all his solos)

6. Between I Scream and Yummy!

7. I’ve been a fan of them since 2012…but I took a break in 2014 (still a fan but not really active) and came back in full force in 2020…so I’ve technically been a fan for 9 years, but actually an active one for 3 years

8. Unlike other people, I’ve never been bothered by their group name. I guess it’s because I think all Johnny’s names are weird. If there was a group name that ever bothered me at first, it would have been when Johnny’s called a group of minors ‘Sexy’

9. What I love about them…I can literally write 20 pages of this and it wouldn’t be enough, lol. But to make it short, I love that they’re not your typical Johnny’s. I actually think of them as Anti-Johnny’s. They may not be Sparkly (thank god or I’d be throwing up glitter and rainbows everywhere) or Prince-like (although Miyacchi’s been getting pretty good at this lately ;) but they’re freaking FIREWORKS to me. I like the fact that they’re fighters. Instead of letting all the s*** that was thrown their way let it beat them down, they instead overcame it and used it to their advantage. Hell, even being called ‘Busaiku’ didn’t stop them- they created a popular variety show and even a sub-unit from the ‘insult’. Whereas most groups would be bitter about this kind of treatment and would have quit long time ago, our 7 boys held strong together (which is rare for any music group nowadays- especially in recent years) and even though I know it must still hurt them from time to time, they can at least still find it in themselves to smile and laugh about the past now. Kisumai is one-of-a-kind and they balance Johnny’s out perfectly. And lastly, since it’s been brought up that whenever something good happens to Kisumai, another group usually debuts or has something good to them- then everyone should be wishing Kisumai for more success! It would be the sweetest payback if the group that Johnny’s mistreated the most was actually their secret good luck charm~ (´艸`)

10. I wish to see a full-on Kisumai X Arashi collab. Like either group being a guest on the other’s regular show (the ENTIRE group, not just one person). I know it’s not possible right now (due to Arashi’s hiatus), so I’d be more than happy if Kisumai could guest on an Arashi member’s show like VS Damashii, Sho Channel, Nino-san…or Sho, Nino, Aiba or Jun could guest on Busaiku, Jumanen or Shounen Club Premium…if this ever happens, I’d be unable to sleep due to my excitement! (✪ ᗜ ✪)✿

Ok, now onto the episodes! I’m almost complete with all the Dokidoki~n episodes and only missing about 10 episodes (which I’ll upload here once I get them). And I apologize- I realized last minute that Ep92 is not the full episode- I’ll upload that episode, together with the remaining episodes left, on a later date <(_ _)>

Like usual, DTV is not available in my country so I rip and downloaded these videos myself- and so, they range from LQ to MQ quality. But you can download these for free- no password needed. And if anyone wants to use these videos for subbing, YES PLEASE- go for it, just let me know beforehand cause I want to watch it subbed as well. So I hope you enjoy the show, and please feel free to have fun with our lovable boys~ ヾ(*・ω・*)o



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Source: Bilibili

download: kis-my-dokidoki~n, group: kis-my-ft2

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