Kisumai Dokidoki~n (download: 20 Full/Cut Episodes) & *TEENY* Spoiler for HOME TOUR 2021 (Day 1)

May 14, 2021 11:07

Hi! I’m back~ and with some more episodes of Kisumai Dokidoki~n! ^ω^ See my previous post for the first batch of episodes. This time, I was able to find FULL episodes of EP. 62 & 101 - 106. (Well I hope they’re the full eps σ(^_^;)

The rest are cuts of Dokidoki~n (a regular episode usually has 2 segments in it- each cut is 1 segment). I decided to upload these cuts because they’re freaking HILARIOUS (like the exercise and dancing skills cuts). Like before, DTV is not available in my country so I rip and downloaded these videos myself- and so, they range from LQ to MQ quality. But you can download these for free- no password needed- so there’s that. Please enjoy~ o(^^o)


Decryption key: LmpCRSxyI4qj2dfx8rGPTw

Google Drive

Source: Bilibili

And....who here saw Kis-My-Ft2’s Home Tour 2021 Day 1 last night? It was so amazing! 😍 I won’t say more about it since I don’t want to spoil too much for those who are going to watch the Day 2 or Day 3 concerts, but all I have to say is that at the very start of the concert, it had made me tear up because I felt like Kisumai was truly welcoming me home\(T∇T)/ I also suggest that even though the start time is at 18:00, you should log into the concert at least 10 minutes before (trust me- you won’t regret it...I was super thankful that I actually logged on 1 hour beforehand- exactly when the site allows you to go on cause I didn’t want to miss ANYTHING).

Thank you to everyone who replied to my previous post about the concert- I managed to successfully purchase my concert goods~ d(ゝ∀・)

So...I’m actually going to watch all 3 days of the HOME concert (yes, I have NO regrets in purchasing 3 tickets- it’s Kisumai’s 10th anniversary, they deserve it). So for Day 1, I’ll share a teeny bit of last night’s concert- it’s only 3 pictures and not too much of a spoiler, but just in case, I put it under a spoiler- please enjoy~

[HOME 2021 DAY 1]

*** The entire concert I was seriously wondering where the hell the venue was? At first, I had just assumed it was Tokyo Dome but then I was quickly like...No, this is somewhere totally different. I found out this morning that it was Seibu Dome~


***I had so much fun watching them have lots of fun~

Can’t wait to watch tonight and tomorrow’s concerts~ ♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡

download: kis-my-dokidoki~n, group: kis-my-ft2

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