The Blanket With The Mini Bananas- An Arashi Fanfic

Jan 29, 2016 19:23

Title: The Blanket With The Mini Bananas
Pairings/Characters: Ohno/Aiba
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Nude Ohno...but he's covered with a blanket~
Notes: My mind is totally screwed up at the moment- so I wrote this piece of fluffiness (or crackiness) to try to calm myself down~ ヾ(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ゙
Summary: Ohno's locked outside his house, with nothing but his blanket on...



Ohno froze, his eyes going from sleepy to alertness instantly.

With the weather chilly and his schedule completely free, Ohno had let himself savor this rare chance by snuggling into his bed, deciding to spend the rest of his day in dreamland while being covered by his blanket.

This blanket was his favorite blanket. Colored an ocean blue with mini bananas printed all over it. The blanket was big enough to cover up his body nicely, made up of a fuzzy fabric that was so soft it made him freaking melt every time it touched his skin, rub him in unimaginable ways (yes, the blanket was pretty much sex to him- it felt so gooooood). He had this blanket for about three years now and Ohno knew he would keep it forever.

As Ohno laid down naked (he had drank a little too much the other night and somehow ended up stripping off entirely before collapsing on top his bed) he lazily thought about where his house keys were. He looked towards his side table where he usually puts it, but this time it wasn't there.

'Maybe I left them in the keyhole on the front door again.' Ohno thought. He had done that before.

Remembering Jun's warning about keeping his house open for some stranger or rapist to come in, Ohno grudgingly decided to get up from his cozy nest to check on the door.

Not quite wanting to put on his clothes (hell, he'd take them off immediately after he came back) he wrapped his favorite blanket around him, making sure none of his personal goods were showing, and dragged himself to the front door.

When he opened the door and stepped outside, he frowned when he didn't see his key there. Thinking about where it could be- maybe his pants?- a string gust of wind suddenly blew and slammed Ohno's door shut.

Ohno blinked about three times before reaching for the doorknob and twisting it.


He tried it one more time.

Definitely locked.

Letting out a huge sigh, Ohno muttered to himself, "Now what?" Another wind blew by, making Ohno shiver a bit as he snuggled his blanket tighter to him.

Well at least with his blanket, he wouldn't freeze to death.

Ohno stood there thinking of what to do, completely ignoring the fact that he should be freaking out or at least have some feelings of embarrassment as he was out in the open in nothing but his blanket.

Ohno knew that the only person who had a duplicate of his key was his landlord- who was currently on a trip abroad for another two days. Ohno considered breaking into his apartment, but decided against it as he didn't want to make a scene and be arrested for damaging property and trespassing (yes, it never occurred to him that he could easily be arrested for his current appearance for indecent public exposure).

There was only one option- going to his boyfriend's house and ask to stay there till his landlord came back and possibly borrow a set of clothes as well.

Nodding his head, Ohno began to rearrange his blanket.

Even though his blanket was cozy, it was a bit thin which was no good with the cold weather breezing through. The solution was easy though as Ohno quickly folded the blanket in half and wrapped it around himself- double the protection!

Ohno made sure to cover the top of his head as well, somewhat like a cloak so his face would be hidden (for both warmth and disguising the fact that he was a top idol in Japan's most popular boy group). With the blanket coming up to his mid thigh now (Ohno's legs were pretty resistant to cold anyway and at least his man bits were covered) Ohno proceeded to walk to his boyfriend's house.

His boyfriend didn't live very far, only about a twenty minute walk away, and for that Ohno was grateful. He pretty much zoned out everything around him, looking down to make sure his bare feet didn't step on a rock or worse, not really bothered by the strange stares and whispers he got from everyone around him.

The cars honked rudely at him. Little kids would walk pass him, teasing him. Teenagers were making comments like 'pervert/gross' or just giggled as they tried to avoid him like the plague. Ladies would mutter rude things to their friends, though they would totally try to take a peek at him. And men flat out ignored him (though there was one fellow that suspiciously looked like he was gonna grab his ass as he walked by (he ended up grabbing the blanket instead though and received a sharp kick in the groin, courtesy of Ohno).

And the entire time, Ohno thought to himself, 'What would happen if they knew that it was me under here?'

And from then on, Ohno spent the rest of his walk thinking about what his members would think of their leader at that moment.

'Sho-kun would freak.' Ohno thought amusedly. 'He'd be lost for words as he would immediately scramble to find something for me to wear.'

'Jun-kun would scold me.' Ohno shuddered. 'He'd yelled at me for walking around naked in public and in the cold weather. Maybe would add a punch in somewhere, head or face maybe, as well...'

'Nino-chan would...' Ohno's train of thought trailed off as his eyes focused on a figure in front of him. "Ah, Nino?" Ohno exclaimed in surprise.

It was indeed his fellow group member, Ninomiya Kazunari, a few feet away, walking towards him.

Nino had been reading a text from his phone but the sound of his name being called made him look up to see where it came from. His eyes widened as he saw his leader walking towards him, waving happily...and immediately bit his lips hard to keep from laughing as he got a glimpse at Ohno's full appearance.

"Nino! What a surprise." Ohno greeted.

Nino nodded, his eyes still on Ohno's blanket. "Yeah, you too."

Ohno smiled. "I'm surprised to see you walking around like this."

Nino looked up at his face and pouted. "I can walk too, you know. There's a new game at the store that I like and it was only walking distance."

Ohno grinned. "That's good then."

Nino smiled before looking down at Ohno's 'outfit' again. "You're not wearing anything under that, are you?"

Ohno shook his head. "Nope."



Nino hummed. "May I know how this happened?"

"I accidentally locked myself outside the house. I was only wearing this at the time." Ohno shrugged.

Nino nodded. "I see. Well, at least you have a blanket with you."

Ohno nodded as well. "It's very warm."

"So do you want some help or...?" Nino waved his hand, trailing off.

Ohno shook his head. "I'm good. I'm going to Aiba-chan's house right now."

Nino grinned. "Then I'll just leave you to it then. Say hi to Aiba-shi for me."

Ohno smiled. "Will do." As he began to walk away, Nino called out for him again. "Yes?"

Going in front of Ohno, Nino leaned in and whispered, "I forgot to mention one thing...your banana is showing, Oh-chan."

Ohno frowned at him, looking confused. "What are you talking about? Of course the banana is showing- this whole blanket is covered in bananas!"

Nino grinned as he shook his head. "No, leader. I meant your big banana is peeking out every time you take a step. Look." Nino grabbed Ohno's arm and pulled him so the other could take a step.

Ohno's eyes widened as he realized that what Nino had said was right- with every step he took, the blanket would ride up enough so his man bits were peeking out, balls and all. "Oops." He said, sheepishly. Now he understood the extreme reactions of the other people around him earlier.

Nino laughed as he helped Ohno shift around his blanket, letting one of the corners of the blanket go in front, making sure that Ohno's precious treasure was covered up properly.

Taking a few experimental steps, they we're both satisfied to see nothing peeking out. "Okay, I think it's all good now."

"So that's why I was feeling a strange breeze down there." Ohno wondered. "Thanks, Nino-chan."

Nino snorted at that. "No problem. Ah, speaking of bananas, I have to give Sho a call later- he's picking me up tomorrow for our date and I have to ask him what time he'll come."

Ohno grinned slyly at that. "So my banana reminds you of Sho-kun, huh?"

Nino winked. "All bananas remind me of Sho-chan....regardless of who it belongs to." They both shared a nice laugh before they finally parted ways, waving goodbye to each other.

It took Ohno another seven minutes to get to his boyfriend's apartment. Ringing the doorbell, Ohno waited patiently as he listened to the rush of footsteps making their way to the front door.

"Yes?" Aiba asked as he pulled the door open. His eyes widened at his visitor. "Oh-chan! What are you doing here? And eh? Why in a blanket?" Aiba giggled as he pulled his older lover into a big hug, placing a sweet kiss on Ohno's lips before guiding him into the living room.

Ohno sighed at the delicious warmth of the house, relieved to be indoors again. Aiba excused himself and went to the kitchen, leaving Ohno to get comfortable in the living room. Snuggling on Aiba's couch, Ohno tightened his blanket around him as he let another sigh out, relieved at how cozy he finally felt. All he needed was Aiba next to him and everything would be complete.

Fortunately, Aiba came back from the kitchen with two cups of cocoa in hand (Aiba made sure to put a bit of cinnamon in Ohno's cup while his had about half a dozen mini marshmallows in it). Handing Ohno his cup, Aiba sat beside him pulling his legs up under him.

Ohno cuddled closer to Aiba, making the taller guy giggle. "I'm glad I came here."

Aiba nodded, giving Ohno a kiss on the nose. "I'm glad too. But can I ask about your choice in clothing?"

Ohno hummed, taking a sip of his cocoa, the sweet warmth making him moan in pleasure. "I got locked out of my house. Landlord is gone for another two days on vacation. I can stay here, right?"

Aiba giggled even more at the actions of his boyfriend. "Of course you can stay. Anyway, so you got locked out of your house in nothing but a blanket and actually walked all the way here, still completely naked with nothing but a blanket on you?" Aiba shook his head. "You're unbelievable, Satoshi. I wonder what people thought when they saw you."

Ohno grinned at him. "My face was hidden, but I think there was a bit of a reaction to my general appearance.

Aiba guffawed. "Quite a bit of a reaction, I'm sure. But I'm sure it didn't matter to you."

Ohno shrugged. "None in the least."

Aiba giggled once more. "That's my Oh-chan."

Drinking the last of his cocoa, Ohno put the cup down and looked at Aiba. "Ah! I saw Nino on the way here- he was on his way to a game store. He says hi."

Aiba beamed. "I'm glad that Nino's actually getting some excercise. And I say hi too."

Ohno nodded, "Yup. Me and Nino talked for a bit and he also pointed out that my cock was peeking out from the blanket when I walked- but he helped me fix it."

Aiba laughed good and hard at that, actually having to hold his ribs as it began to hurt a bit. "Oh my god, I know I shouldn't be laughing at the fact that many people saw your penis but...oh god, that's too funny!"

Ohno pouted at him, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. "Glad to know my humiliation amuses you."

Aiba snorted, hugging his lover close to him as well. "Oh, please. We both know it didn't bother you much." His boyfriend was pretty comfortable with his body.

Ohno grinned. "Yeah, you're right," Feeling the blanket slipping from his shoulders, Ohno adjusted it around to fix it. "By the way, did I ever tell you how much I love this blanket? It's my favorite."

Aiba's eyes widened at that. "Really?"

Ohno nodded. "Yup. I was really happy when you gave it to me for my birthday."

Aiba blushed. "When I went on that trip to Hokkaido and saw that blanket, I knew that I had to get it for you."

Ohno smirked. "Because it was the color of the ocean?"

Aiba gave him one if his disturbing yet endearing winks. "Because the bananas reminded me of you."

Ohno laughed heartily. "Me and my banana love you too."

They continued laughing together for a while longer until something caught Aiba's eye. "Ne, Oh-chan? I think you need to adjust your blanket again."

Ohno followed his gaze and saw that his blanket shifted once again, some of his man bits poking out from its hiding place.

But instead of covering it again like he had been doing, Ohno took a part of his blanket and flung it aside, showing his manhood in all its perked up glory.

He looked up to see Aiba giving him a smothering sultry look. Ohno returned that look with a predatory smirk of his own.

And for the first time that day, Ohno finally removed his blanket, letting it drop to the floor and instead choosing to cover himself with his Aiba-chan instead.

fanfic: the blanket with the mini banana, pairing: arashi- ohno/aiba, group: arashi

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