Falling [GRI - OneShot]

Nov 21, 2010 22:18

Seung Ri couldn’t help but stagger when his feet hit the ice, and flashed Ji Yong a glare when he chuckled.

“Oh come on, Seung Ri. There is nothing to be afraid of.” He smiled and Seung Ri huffed.

“Easy for you to say, ‘Mr. I’m the best ice-skater in the world.’” Ji Yong just smiled innocently and took his hand.

“I’m here with you, ain't I? Which reminds me of our first meeting. You were so cute, but you didn’t even know who I was.” He exclaimed trying to pull off the ‘hurt look’, but couldn’t. Seung Ri just stuck out his tongue and looked around. It was actually nice, unlike the first time he ever stepped into skating rink.


He sighed again, as he had the whole time he knew that his friends were dragging to the ice-skating rink. Skating wasn’t something he was fund of as he always managed to fall right on his butt, and it hurt!

“Seung Ri! Don’t stand there like a stick. We are here to have some fun.” Daesung dragged his stiff friend out.

“Stop it! I was fine where I was! If you keep dragging me I’m going to fall!” Seung Ri whined, trying desperately to keep standing, and was clinging onto Daesung to avoid falling. In the end Seung Ri did fall and everyone was laughing. Biting his lips he struggled to his feet only to fall once again. Lying there, he looked up at the sky. So dark and clear, which made the stars and moon seemed brighter than usual. The lights lighting up the rink was ruining the image a bit though.

“Are you planning to lie the whole time? People might not see you and run right over you.” The unknown voice was mixed with amusement and curiosity. Huffing, Seung Ri sat up and rose quickly to glare at the person. However, he couldn’t stand steady and soon found himself falling again. This time though a pair of arms came around his waist holding him up.

“T-Thank.. you...” He stuttered before becoming speechless when he saw his savior’s face. He stared right into a pair of eyes so perfect as if they have cast a spell over him.

“Do I have something on my face?” A wide grinned painted his already perfected masterpiece. Unexpectedly, Seung Ri felt his face flushed and hiding behind a cough he said.

“No.” When he again attempted to stand on his own he still to nearly fall again. Gravity must really have something against him, Seung Ri thought, as he again was embraced by the same, strong arms.

“Not steady on your feet, are you? Don’t worry. I, Mr.-Best-ice-skater-in-the-world will teach you!” Slowly the stranger moved his arms that were secured around his waist, to his hands and he found himself slipping and longing for the arms. It made him panic!

“Don’t let go!” He shrieked, not caring that he seemed like a girl. This time the stranger didn’t laugh, not even chuckle. Instead, he gave him a gentle smile and reassured him.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let go of you. You’re safe.” Seung Ri really tried to feel reassured, but he couldn’t shake away the fright.

“I don’t like falling.”


“It hurts,” Seung Ri couldn’t help but pout, drawing a laugh from his skating partner.

“Well Mr. Obvious, of course it hurts when you fall, but that’s a part of learning how to skate. No pain no gain, right? Don’t worry though I won’t let you fall. Promise.”

“It’s Seung Ri, and you really promise?”

“Hi Seung Ri, do you recognize me?” Seung Ri shook his head, and Ji Yong sighed dramatically and disappointed.

“I’m Kwon Ji Yong, the best ice-skater in the world.” He exclaimed loud and proudly, but Seung Ri just rolled his eyes. “But I promise, really. Trust me.”

Flashback end

“You broke your promise.” Seung Ri as he was skating beside his lover.

“What? I didn’t let you fall.” Ji Yong exclaimed.

“You did, you let me fall for you.” He smiled, winking as he skated faster away from him.

“Well what can I say? I’m irresistible.” Ji Yong commented, winking as he sped passed him. Seung Ri getting caught up in the way, wailed as he lost his footing. Shutting his eyes he waited for the impact with the hard ice-covered ground, but it never came. Instead he was wrapped firmly in Ji Yong’s arms. They did fall though, but Ji Yong took the impact and Seung Ri was safe on top of him.

“Look at that you made me fall too.” He smirked and Seung Ri turned away, but blushing and feeling annoyed.

“Oh so I only made you fall now.” He tried to move away, but Ji Yong’s armed was secured around him.

“No Mr. Oblivious, for your information I fell the moment your cute panda eyes lost themselves in me.”

“Means I’m pretty good too then, for making someone so handsome, talented and flirty to fall for me.” Seung Ri shouldn’t have said that, because his words sparked a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

“Oh yeah, you’re really good. I was worried though, when I found out that you were terrified of pain. One would pity me, after everything I have to go through to convince you it wouldn’t hurt for long and that when you went pass the pain it would be like heaven. I would never hurt you.” Ji Yong’s eyes lost their teasing gleam, and only love shoned through them, leaving them at their brightest.

“Good to know I’m worth it.” He huffed, but looked into the eyes he fell in love with. “I know. I trust you.” Slowly, he decreased the distance between their faces, their lips meeting in a slow, passionate kiss. Their lips locked on each other’s, and their tongues’ dance a dance only they knew. With each motion they caressed each other drawing out a moan here and there. The magic didn’t end when they drew apart to breath.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. It’s starting to get cold, right? Want to get warm up?” Ji Yong wiggled his brows, making Seung Ri chuckled and he hit him playfully.


That's it! :P Hope you guys enjoyed it and sorry that I haven't posted anything in such a long time! I haven't forgot all the things I have to write!
So as I said in A/N I went ice-skating today, and too bad there wasn't anyone like Ji Yong around. Instead I have to brothers who tried to make me fall! I'll try to post something soon!! 

f: big bang, os: falling, p: ji yong/seung ri

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