
Nov 01, 2010 19:16

Hello everybody ! :D
Anyone who thought I died or something xD hehe
I'm so sorry for not updating anything. School has been really busy and my muse kind of left and did other stuff xD

But I have tried to write though, have started quite a few oneshots (all gri I think) but have never finished any of them D:
I'll try though to do that... when I got the time...
Still miss being on lj though and all the spazzing with people :)

Well any new oneshots or updates won't come until December or something, because I'm joining NaNoWriMo 10.
It's a challenge to write a novel during November with a word count on 50 000 words (if you're over 17) 
I think my word count will just be 30 000.

As I said before school is really going to be busy right now so I'm not really sure that I'll be able to finish it :/
All I can do is my best, I guess...

I know that there are many great writers here on lj so many of you should join too ;) 

Hehe so this was just an update to show that I'm still here, at least a bit xD
Hopefully, I'll come back with many updates soon :P



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