Insight - Prologue

Oct 13, 2009 18:37

::: Prologue :::

Sang Mi’s POV

Lightly, I walked the final steps before I reached the café, where I worked. It was cold, sky wasn’t smiling and the wind was hitting face, making me tear, but it could as well be a tear of joy. The source to my happiness lay inside my bag, well protected with my hands and arms around it. That was the thing that kept me warm through the cold weather, and the others would beat me to death if I lost them.

I opened the door and was embraced with a smell of heaven and special warmth. The warmth you would feel when eight girls were fighting each other to get to me and I nearly fell over. I sighed as I pushed everyone away from me, and breathed.

“Aww, finally some space.”

“Hello! Come on show it to us already!” Kyung Hee nagged and started to poke me everywhere. If your head didn’t explode when she wanted something, then there must be something wrong with you.

“Yah! I want to see!” Minji shouted and joined Kyung Hee. Minji too could nag a hole in your head. Those two were always against it each other like salt and pepper, but you don’t want to be in the middle if those two were combined. Try imagining the Big Bang!

“Come on, Sang Mi. How long do you think you’re a going to take!” Mi Soo jumped up and down hyperactively. She was moving from right to left doing a lot of random movements and it didn’t take long before our maknae duo pushed her way and yelled in my ears.

“UNNIE!! HURRY!!” Sung Hee and Eun Jin completed that duo; it was as dangerous as the Kyung Hee and Minji combination. I heard my three unnies sighed as Ji Hyun unnie and Ye Eun unnie dragged everyone away from me and only Jandi unnie was left standing right before me and smiled widely.

“Sang Mi-ah, give them to and I will past them around.” Jandi unnie said gently, waiting for me to search in my bag and I handed them to her. I kept the one for me though.

“Here ya go, unnie!” I laid them carefully in her hand and her eyes lit up as the others. Even though she was the oldest among, a side of was still as childish as the rest of us. Coming out from her trace, she coughed a bit and started to call each one of us.

“Ye Eun, Ji Hyun, Mi Soo,” She gave them their tickets and the three of them held it, kissed it and then jumped around happily. Minji and Kyung Hee were fighting against each other, before Jandi unnie could gave them theirs.

“Me first! Since she is a loser, she’ll get hers the last!” Kyung Hee exclaimed and gave Minji a ‘careface’ before she pushed her behind herself.

“Bitch! She will give it to me first! I’m a more responsible person.” I couldn’t really agree with that. A responsible person wouldn’t fight over such a little thing. Mi Soo and my other unnies were too busy with their celebration to care, while the maknaes folded their arms and frowned, tapping their feet impatiently as they waited to get theirs.

“Stop it! Kyung Hee, don’t call Minji a loser. Minji, don’t use that word. I won’t hand the tickets to you!” With that said Jandi unnie was met with a pair of innocent pout. Completed with puppy eyes that only worked on non other than Jandi unnie.

“WHY?!?” They screamed at the same time, the argument long forgotten. I just laughed and Jandi unnie sighed. The reason wasn’t exactly shocking.

“Because I’m afraid that you two will loose your tickets, then what are you going to do.”

“Haha! Kyung Hee unnie and Minji unnie won’t get their tickets!” The duo sang mocking them.

“Don’t get too excited, you won’t have yours either.” She made another announcement.

“WHAT!?” They shouted in sync. Turning to each other shocked and then back to unnie. “WHY?” They whined at the same time too.

“Same reason.”

“But-“ Sung Hee protested.

“You can-“ Eun Jin continued.

“At least-“

“Let us-“

“See the tickets!!” They ended together with a cute slyly smile.

Jandi unnie sighed, but gave in and handed them their tickets.

“What about us?!” Kyung Hee and Minji pointed at themselves and still had their pout planted on their faces.

“Give me them when we are going home.” She instructed and the four of them nodded like dogs following commandoes. “Okay, let’s clean up and close the café. Then tomorrow we’ll be able to enjoy-“ We didn’t let her finish and screamed loudly.

“COME TO PLAY WITH CHILD OF EMPIRE!!!!” She laughed and nodded.

“YEAH!” I couldn’t wait till tomorrow.

Tell me what you think ^^ Comments = LOVE 

s: insight, c: oc, f: child of empire, p: various

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