Oct 11, 2009 20:20

Title: X-SOO
Author: mangalover93
Character: Big Bang + X-SOO [Fictional]
Pairing: JiSo, RiSoo, MiTop, DaeJe, TaeJi 
[more info about characters and pairing]
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own big bang or know big bang 
Summary: YG is holding an international audition online. A friend group of four found out and joined the audition. Will they make it? and if they make it what will happen to them? 
Warning: Swearing and bad humor
Author note: A little update before something big happens ;P
Earlier updates: ~Part 1~ ~Part 2~ ~Part 3~ ~Part 4~ ~Part 5~ ~Part 6~ ~Part  7~ ~Part 8.1~ ~Part 8.2~ ~Part 9~ ~Part 10~ ~Part 11~ ~Part 12~ ~Part 13~ ~Part 14~ ~Part 15~ ~Part 16~ ~Part 17~ ~Part 18~ ~Part 19~ ~Part 20~ ~Part 21~ ~Part 22~

Part 23

Se7en’s POV

I had succeeded keeping Seung Ri busy until now, but he was getting impatient and had already called Soo Jung. I wondered if he knew, but it seemed like he was getting kind of worked up whenever I mentioned Soo Jung. Could someone really be that dense? It was his birthday. He should have relaxed and enjoyed it instead of being all worked up.

“Oh, Seung Ri, I forgot to give you your present!” I announced and for the first time today his eyes lit for the first time today. Taking out the little packet from my pocket I gave it to him. It was little, but it would be handy.

“Thank you, hyung.” He beamed and took the package.

“I would be a bad hyung, if I forgot to give you give a gift.” I said, throwing an arm around him. He smiled and was going to open it, but I stopped him. “Hey, don’t open it now.”

“Why?” He pouted a little. At least he wasn’t fuming anymore.

“Wait till you get home, and open it before you get Soo Jung’s present.” I winked and he looked at me confused and surprised. A frown covered his face again as I mentioned her. Luckily, Soo Jung came into the room panting like crazy.

“Geesh, what took you so long?” Seung Ri grumbled as he came towards her with a bottle with water and I just shook my head as Soo Jung barked back.

“You… try running… from the apartment to this building. Do you know how many miles that is?” I shook my head. Those two really like to fight all the time.

“Okay, I’ll be going then. Got some work to do. Seung Ri enjoy your birthday.” I smiled and waved as I opened the door.

Seung Ri’s POV

“Stupid, you could have just taken a taxi.” I rolled my eyes as I got into the front seat. Soo Jung sat in the back.

“How the hell am I suppose to take a cab, when I can’t talk in Korean!?!” I sighed,

“You have ask one of my hyungs to help you. And what were you doing back in the apartment anyway?” I could see that she got tense by my question.

“It isn’t worth your caring anyway.” She murmured and looked out of the window absentmindedly. Just like that we stayed quiet the whole ride. I didn’t want to fight her more than necessary today. It was my birthday and of course I knew that my hyungs would plan something. Even though I knew that they would plan it every year and every time a member had birthday, but each party wasn’t the same and everyone would feel touch each time the others yelled…

“SURPRISE!” I heard my friends and the girls shouted as they throw confetti over me. I looked back at Soo Jung and she just smiled and shrugged. I shook my head. This must be the first time I had seen her smile to me.

“Happy Birthday, Seung Ri.” Everyone greeted me and a few tears fell, but there was no way I was going to admit that.

“Thanks everyone.”

“Here Seung Ri!” Daesung exclaimed pushing a big box into my hands.

“Your present.” He smiled.

“Thank you, hyung.” I said as I opened the big box. It was a Doreamon bear with a panda costume. I couldn’t expect nothing less from Daesung hyung.

The rest of the night went to open presents, eating foods and just enjoying the day. I got many presents. Top hyung bought the pair of shoes that I had wanted for a long time. Ji Yong gave me a shirt he had chosen; he knew I would use it anyway. Taeyang gave me a hard disc for my laptop, since I kept nagging about how little space my laptop had.

I didn’t really think I would get presents from the girls since we just met. However, I didn’t say no to presents. So Ah gave me a panda bag stuffed with panda candies, no can say no to candies. Je Soo gave me a bunch of CDs, which she said I could use to burn my own CDs with or photos etc. I got a pair of gloves, which matched the shoes from Mi Soo, and Ji Soo gave me beat headphones.

I didn’t know Se7en hyung told me to open his before Soo Jung’s, but Soo Jung went off somewhere to get the present. A recorder. He gave me a recorder. Well, it would be handy when I practice, but why before Soo Jung’s present. She brought out a keyboard. Keyboard? She was giving me a keyboard? Wasn’t that keyboards ours already. But ignoring the rest of us.

She placed it in the middle of the room, took a breath then played. It didn’t take long before I knew which song it was. The Next Day, my first solo song. Unconsciously, I pushed the red button and then she started to sing, I seriously thought she would sing in Korean, but it didn’t matter. She sang it in English. When she was finished we gave her applause. Then she walked towards me with something in her hands.

“Here is a lucky charm I hope it will bring you luck.” She gave me a charmed. Then she took up another present. “This is from a fan, she asked me to give it to you.” I opened the box and there were two rubbers thingy inside. I looked at her confused. “I think you are suppose to put them on your eyes when you’re sleeping and that it would help the dark bags under your eyes.” Soo Jung explained and I smiled.

“Thank you and that fan too.” I smiled. This was the best birthday ever.

“Oh and Seung Ri?” Soo Jung turned around before going into her room. “Happy birthday…” She smiled and then turned around again. It was good that the dream didn’t come true, or did I want it to happen…

Yeah that was that, more to come later xP

c: oc, f: big bang, s: x-soo, p: various

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