Sep 30, 2009 17:52


Title: X-SOO
Author: mangalover93
Character: Big Bang + X-SOO [Fictional]
Pairing: JiSo, RiSoo, MiTop, DaeJe, TaeJi 
[more info about characters and pairing]
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own big bang or know big bang 
Summary: YG is holding an international audition online. A friend group of four found out and joined the audition. Will they make it? and if they make it what will happen to them? 
Warning: Swearing and bad humor
Author note: One paragraph was written by Je Soo ( flowerpower93 )
Earlier updates: ~Part 1~ ~Part 2~ ~Part 3~ ~Part 4~ ~Part 5~ ~Part 6~ ~Part  7~ ~Part 8.1~ ~Part 8.2~ ~Part 9~ ~Part 10~ ~Part 11~ ~Part 12~ ~Part 13~ ~Part 14~ ~Part 15~ ~Part 16~ ~Part 17~ ~Part 18~ ~Part 19~ ~Part 20~

Part 21

Ji Yong’s POV

“We are off then.” Soo Jung shouted as she walked out the door following Seung Ri. As planned they were going to the YG building to train.

“Ok, let’s start.” I announced and everyone started to do their work. Je Soo’s duty was to make the meal and Ji Soo and Daesung were supposed to help her, but she refused their help and wanted to do everything herself. I sighed and walked into the living-room where So Ah, Mi Soo and Top were decorating it. I smiled as I leaned against the door. She was jumping up and down like a lost bunny. One hand holding a balloon and the other was trying to tape it at the banner that hang high above her head. A wide grin came across my face when a thought popped up before me. Walking casually towards her, I came right up behind her and lifted her up making her scream.

“Ahh! What are you doing?” She exclaimed in the air.

“I’m helping you.” I giggled at her cuteness.

“How is this helping me?” She asked looking down at me. A little more. I needed her to lean down a bit more.

“So Ah?” I called her name and she talked to me normally like she wasn’t being lifted. “Erm, didn’t you fear heights?” Hiding a smile as I saw her expression turn 180 degress.

“Put me down!” She screamed hysterically and held around my neck tightly making me loosing my breath and balanced. Boom and we were both on the floor. Me at the bottom and she on top. “Ouch!” she whined as she moved into a sitting position. Then our eyes met and straightly she turned into tomato. In less than a second she was off me and at least a meter away from me. I killed a laugh and rose.

“That’s was fun as long it lasted.” I half joked and she pushed me and went off into the kitchen. I just smiled and did her work for her.

Je Soo’s POV

Chop. Chop. Chop were the sounds filling the kitchen. I stood with a knife in my hand and went all out at the food. It was an easy job. I pictured that all of them were Ji Soo. So it wasn’t hard for me to cut through even the frozen meat.

“Damn it! Fuck! Hell! Shit!” Cursing words came flowing out of my mouth and luckily the bleeding from my finger was slower than the flow of words.

“Are you okay?” Daesung came running towards me with worry written all over his face, but I just turned away and ignored him. “Let me see!” He demanded but I still gave him the cold shoulder. Then he grabbed my hand and I tried to shock him off. But I couldn’t his hold was too strong.

“Let go!” I hissed.

“You’re bleeding,” Now it was him who ignored me and he was examine my finger carefully. Like it was a big deal, I cut my finger a little as if I haven’t managed to cut myself before. Somehow deep within my hatred for him a felt a little touched but I pushed it away as soon I realized it. Cutting it out and throwing it away.

“Let. Me. Go. Now.” I spelled each word for him. Anger was boiling in my blood. Why was he nice to me now? When he did all that stuff together with Ji Soo? I snapped and my hand crossed his face leaving a red mark on his left cheek.

“What the heck are you doing?” Ji Soo who was standing there the whole time finally made a sound and went straight to Daesung’s side. That only made my mood worse. I lifted my hand I wanted to slap her too but Daesung jumped in and received the blow for her.

“What’s happening here?” So Ah came in right when I hit Daesung and seeing the situation she immediately went to Daesung’s side cupping his face and pat his head. “Are you okay?” She asked him, got no answers. He was in shock already after the first smack. The second was purely out of reflex. Now he was clearly in a daze. “Je Soo, what did you do?!” So Ah exclaimed looking at me and I didn’t answer her. Why did she take Daesung’s side? She was supposed to be my friend! She started to shake me a little and I still didn’t gave her an answer.

“So Ah?!” Mi Soo came into the room, followed by Top and Ji Yong.

Ji Soo’s POV

I felt relief flushing over me when Ji Yong and Top came into the room. So Ah was dragged away from Je Soo by Ji Yong and Mi Soo held around Je Soo who had tears running down her face. Top stood between her and Daesung and was trying to make contact with him. I just stood surprised at all the things that were happening. I really couldn’t understand. Smack. A too familiar sound entered the room once again and I looked at Je Soo, but she was still in Mi Soo’s arms and couldn’t have smacked anyone. My gaze turned to So Ah and Ji Yong who were a few meters away from us. His head tilted a bit to the side, a red mark covering his face and So Ah’s face was red with anger and tears threatened to spill out of her eyes.

“Ji Soo! Why is Ji Yong never on my side?” She cried out and came towards me burying her head, and I could no nothing but wrapped my arms around her whispering comforting words and stroked her hair. The main door opened and in came Taeyang with bags of bags in his hands. All dropped after the sight that met him.

“What is happening here?” He asked out loud and none of us gave him an answer. “This isn’t good,” he muttered.

As promise 21 came today too, the reason there are so many chapters of xsoo is because when we had sleepover last time. We had a writing night and my friends made me write on xsoo only, so I'm sorry for not posting other stuff. I will as soon I finished writing. 22 will come up right after this too. Sorry for those who are waiting for other fics.

c: oc, f: big bang, s: x-soo, p: various

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