Sep 30, 2009 13:32


Title: X-SOO
Author: mangalover93
Character: Big Bang + X-SOO [Fictional]
Pairing: JiSo, RiSoo, MiTop, DaeJe, TaeJi 
[more info about characters and pairing]
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own big bang or know big bang 
Summary: YG is holding an international audition online. A friend group of four found out and joined the audition. Will they make it? and if they make it what will happen to them? 
Warning: Swearing and bad humor
Author note: One paragraph was written by Je Soo ( flowerpower93 )
Earlier updates: ~Part 1~ ~Part 2~ ~Part 3~ ~Part 4~ ~Part 5~ ~Part 6~ ~Part  7~ ~Part 8.1~ ~Part 8.2~ ~Part 9~ ~Part 10~ ~Part 11~ ~Part 12~ ~Part 13~ ~Part 14~ ~Part 15~ ~Part 16~ ~Part 17~ ~Part 18~ ~Part 19~

Part 20

Top’s POV

It was only one day left before it was going to be Seung Ri’s birthday and we thought we could make a surprise party for him. It wouldn’t be a surprise though because we always held a surprise party each year for everyone, but this time it was different. We had new friends and it would be easy to trick Seung Ri.

“So how are we going to do this?” I asked out loud since we weren’t getting anywhere. I looked from Je Soo to Daesung to Ji Soo. Je Soo had her eyes fixed on anywhere except Daesung and Ji Yong. Actually she hadn’t talked to them ever since that incident. She even asked to change partner with Mi Soo. Daesung had his eyes glued to Je Soo and Ji Soo looked from Je Soo and Daesung. I really didn’t get what they where doing, and didn’t want to know too much either. That just spelled troubles. I would let the girls deal with this. It was useless to ask Daesung and Taeyang finally faced a problem he couldn’t fix. Somehow, I think that Taeyang was involved in this too. Speaking of Taeyang, he just sat the looking at me, but it felt like he looked through me!

“Ehem.” Ji Yong coughed uncomfortably and everyone turned their attention to him, guess being the leader had its effects. “Well this is how we are going to do this.” Ji Yong started to explain keeping his voice low because the ‘soon to be’ birthday kid was in his room, doing whatever God knew. “So Ah will keep Seung Ri away from the apartment while we-” He pointed at everyone except So Ah. “Will fix the party.” So Ah dropped her jaw and gave Soo Jung a deadly glare. Soo Jung sighed.

“I’ll keep Seung Ri away.” I looked at her surprised at her statement. Everyone in the company knew that Seung Ri and Soo Jung was a bad mix. “Don’t look at me like that.” She said when we just looked at her. “I have an excuse. I can just ask him if he could teach me more dance moves.”

“Sounds logic…” Ji Yong trailed off and gave Soo Jung a look I didn’t understand and she just looked away. “Ok, then it is decided?” I confirmed and received nods from everyone.

Seung Ri’s POV

It was finally my birthday. My 19th birthday, and everyone were gathered in the apartment. Just my hyungs and me. The girls were there too. However, somehow I felt like there was something missing. It was then I noticed that Soo Jung was missing. Why did I care so much about her anyway? It was not like I wanted her to be here. I shrugged it off and just enjoyed being the center of attention. Something I got to be too little.

“Our birthday boy is here!!” Ji Yong hyung yelled loudly and pushed his present into me.

“Wow hyung! Thank you! But can you try not to crash your present to me into me. I would like to have it whole.” He laughed at my joked and ran off bothering someone else. One by one I received the presents. Still there was no sign of Soo Jung. I sighed, there went one of my presents. I didn’t realize that the others had all left the room and turned the lights off. Small light balls were lit and they spelled, ‘Happy Birthday Maknae’. I smiled, feeling lucky to have such goods friend, but a little disappointed was hiding in between the happiness. Then loud pops filled the room and everyone was standing around a gigantic cake. A it was so big that a person could be hid in there.

“We leave this to you, Seung Ri.” Everyone grinned widely and I was one of them.

“Huh?” ‘How was I suppose to eat up that biggie cake?’ They left the room. I waled closet to the cake and the more I looked at it, the more it didn’t look like a cake. Slowly my hand reached out for the cake. A few inches more before I touch it but some weird noises came from the cake.

“Surprise!” A shout came from cake and up from it came up from the cake. I jumped back and landed on my butt. Looking up I could see Soo Jung standing in the middle of the cake in a playboy bunny suit. She looked … wow. “Yo, birthday boy.” She smirked and licked her lips seducingly. She walked towards me and grabbed my tie, bending down to my level. “Did you miss me?” her face was less than an inch away from mine, her lips nearly touched mine… then.

BANG! I growled as my head hit the hard floor. I fell out of bed. Ji Yong hyung had kicked in his sleep again.

“Seung Ri?” I heard Daesung called out tiredly and

“I’m okay.” I sighed and he went immediately back to sleep. Daesung the lightest sleeper among us, and also the fastest one to fall asleep. Ji Yong hyung always moved around a lot when he slept and was always using someone as his pillow, or else he would kick a lot. Like this time breaking me away from one of the rare happy dreams I had. Happy dream? I was shocked over myself. Did I really think that, that dream was happy? Unconsciously, I touched my lips.

“Seung Ri, something is really wrong with you.” I muttered as laid down at the bed. The clock said 1.00 am. ‘Happy Birthday’ her voice played around in my head. I was looking forward to tomorrow.

a bit short?? xP part 21 comes later today :P

c: oc, f: big bang, s: x-soo, p: various

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