Title: The Spark and the Captive
Rated: PG-13
Characters: Melkor / Morgoth, Eru Ilúvatar, Manwë, Ulmo, Yavanna, Nienna
Warning: Angst, Incest, Slash
Summary: Melkor was never evil, he was simply himself.
Notes: There will be some exploring of relationships on my behalf. I never did like traditions and clichés and I will happily stomp them into the ground. As good as I will be able to, because this is my first Tolkien story. My eternal thanks belongs to trollmela, who was kind enough to beta read.
03. Wind
The pain, the never-ending anguish … eases one day. Slowly I open my eyes for the first time and suddenly I’m able to see. What I see is … light. Glorious light.
I’m still burning, there’s still the hurt and the pain, but something is trying to soothe it. Carefully, like a caress of a young child.
Humiliation sweeps through me. This is a such a sweet breeze and feels so good that I feel shame for wanting all of it. But I wonder who I would hurt again, if I burned so high and bright. Already I am a danger and a threat to the others around me. They call me a discord in the music for they fear so much, what I could do to them. What would I do to them, had I all of this air that is surrounding me, feeding me until I could burn freely.
What are you? I finally ask. Who are you?
For I see nothing, only my own flames dancing in ecstasy.
I receive an answer.
Manwë, my brother says. And I’m Air.
What are you doing?
I have to ask, I have to know, because never in all the eternities with Ilúvater have I felt like this before. Free. Free from pain and therefore: happy. Later, ages later, I would settle for the word ‘drugged’. It would be easier to live with.
I’m Air, Manwë repeats with a strange patience, like he is pointing out the obvious (to a blind). I’m feeding you or else you would die.
I shudder, when I feel that another law is written into the Great Music, binding Manwë’s fate and mine forever.
“Air feeds Fire”, Eru Ilúvater intervenes with this new order and creates the first of many, many chains.
This is also the first time I feel an intense dislike for Ilúvater.
When Manwë calls Eru Father I learn the word hate.
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