Babies of the Internet

Aug 13, 2012 16:58

Short notice: I'm still alive.

And I found something in the internet, which really makes me wonder about some people.
I know that kinkmemes ignore the physical world as best as they possible can, but that goes a bit to far:

"Omega!verse where Sherlock is a Beta and John in an Omega.
The mpreg hasn't happened yet, but they are trying for a baby. With butt plugs ..."

Excuse me ... HOW IS THIS SUPPOSED TO WORK? Nevermind that I don't like mpreg (yeah, I'm strange slash fan, but most stories simply don't even try to explain ;_;) ... but buttplugs don't make babies. They can't. And "keeping the semen inside" won't work either. Yes, I am sure of it.

Logical fail, sorry. I live with egg fics in the Supernatural fandom (most of the time :P) , but THIS is just ...

*googles in english translators for the right phrase*
*doesn't find any*


author ramplings

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