
Mar 24, 2004 12:52

I hate having allergies grrr I mean I am having so many probs with just my fucking nose. But to make things even better I had to go to the doctors and talk about my nose and my damn eyes turned a bright red. It looked as if I had let someone rub sandpaper in my eyes for a good hour. The doctor put fucking die in my eye to so I had this kinda weird green gunk all in my left eye. but I only spent five minutes there to have Dr. York tell me that i a have allergies. Grr I already knew that. So she made me go buy some new allergy meds. My eye drops suck ass to i mean it burns my eyes to put the crao in there, but I guess with all the burning it takes my mind off the whole itching sensation I have. So yeeee I get to do nothing for another 2 hours my damn teach decieded not to come in today and I still have one more class. But now I am done complaining so peace out.
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