Oct 25, 2008 18:30
i did something i should not have done. staring a brick wall in the face, i feel sick to my stomach. i haven't eaten anything today. the phone's ringing off the hook. see the marvel that was uruk, ruined. i don't pick up the messages for days. sometimes i'm walking, and i feel acid buildup in my legs or something i get cramps all over, sometimes i'll be awake and i'm awake until i'm physically so tired my eyes start to water. bad decisions, choices, branching pathways, always on the wrong one. i wished unto her terrible things. how to live in a world you hate. how to cope when 'i'm not supposed to be here'. this is not my home. this is not where i belong. marvel through the looking glass, 'the place to be'. where love grows, love knows, love is all there is. our world, is one of the lower stages. life is suffering on this world. my love for people is dying. if given the choice to be alone, composed, or with people, them vultures, them wretches, i prefer the solitary path. my only comfort is scripture, in which i have no faith. i am no such heavenly archer. i am a wraith, a ghoul, rising from the dark. i bring pain and suffering to your house. they call me 'eggman'. i can fill your soul with mechanical parts. i can make you stronger.
'you are a wolf in sheep's clothing'
'and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise'
let us all, make amends, let us all, come together. let us make music. listen, to the music.
'my pain belongs to the divine. it is like air, it is like water'