So, coffee with my old teacher (whom shall be refered to as TE after this, to distinguish him from T) went well. It also made a number of things that have been bothering me lately, and probably some I wasn't aware of, clear. So, I have to write it down, or my brain might explode. ( Cut for a length introspection and disection of Me-ness. )
So it's only been ages since I bungled onto here and said anything. Doubt I have anything intelligent to say considering I've only been off work a couple hours and should really go to bed soon.
How many more wonderful people are we going to loose? Today, Jack Lemmon died. Not long ago, it was Carrol O'Conner. Why are all these wonderful people dropping like flies all around us? It's sad. So very sad. Makes my heart break. All these wonderful people dying, while complete morons live on. *takes her hat off to lost dreamers*