I'm bored, so, I'm making my own MeMe. Maybe it'll catch on.. that'd be cool..... :)
Name: Mae
Age: 24
Where were you born: Edmonton, AB, Canada!
Where do you live now: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Where do you want to live: Right where I am, thanks.
Name 3 places you would love to travel too: Egypt, Rome and Australia are at the top of the list..
What do you do: Answering servce. Shudder.
What do you want to do: Welder! Whoot!
Who is your closest friend: Sheri, followed by Carl then
Bayushi. All very good friends.
Do you have any actual enemies: Nope. Can't say as I do, unless they don't tell me.
If you could be any animal, what would you be: Cat! Any kind of cat!
What kind of animal do you think your friends would say you are: Probably cat. I'm the cat woman.
What about mythical critters: Dragon. I'm so a dragon.
Favorite Author: Currently Terry Pratchet. But David Eddings will always be a god to me!
Favorite song: Currently I'm With You by Avril Lavegne
Favorite color: Black. And silver.. though I've developed a taste for Sapphire blue recently.
Last movie you went and saw: The Newest James Bond movie I believe.. whatever it's called.
On more personal notes....
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Not yet.
Crush: Oh yes. Big time.
Do you have a fetish: Hands. I love hands.. I always notice hands.
Big turn-ons: Purring, growling.. and nice hands!
Have you asked anyone out: Yes. A couple of times.
Have you ever been dumped: Yup.
Have you ever dumped someone: Yup.
Been in a really bad relationship: Both of 'em. Bah.
If you're not married, would you get married: Maybe. I suppose it's a vague possibility.
Bi/Gay/Straight: Bi.
Your worst trait: I think I'm cold. .. or at least, in the sense I have trouble showing emotion. I don't like to loose control
Your best trait: I guess.. I'm very forgiving and generous.
What would your friends say is your worst trait: Probably that I don't show enough emotion.
What would they say is your best: That I'm nice.
Do you like the way you look: Usually.
What is your best feature: Eyes. Icey blue.
Worst: The tummy I can't seem to get rid of. Sigh.
Are you any good with the opposite(or maybe same) sex: Only on a friend level. I suck in intimate situations.
Why: Cause I have no confidence there.
Are you a virgin: Hell no!
What sexual thing would you not do: Tying up. Urg! Bad.
Is there one you haven't tried you'd like to: Probably..
Do you think there is a difference between sex and making love: Yes. A big one.
Have you ever dated a friend: Sort of.. but not good friends.
If not, would you date a friend: Preferably.
Worst relationship memory: When my boyfriend dumped me after my friend died because he couldn't handly my depression.
Do you want kids: Maybe.
Do you wear anything when you sleep: Preferably not!
What kind of temper do you have: Cold. Very cold.
Do you think you could ever hurt someone: Yes.. and kill, if I was angry enough.
Do you think your honest: Yes.
Is honesty subjective: Yes.
Hmm. Well.. that was amusing. Don't know if it's a good one.. but whatever. :>