(no subject)

Jan 04, 2010 14:15

Ugh, back to school.

Remember how I had three papers to do over the break? ... yeaaah, I only finished one. Which gives me a week (or four days to be exact) to finish the other two. /ORZ

I've sort of descended into a state of denial about them the last few days, but unfortunately, pretending they don't exist does not make it true. :| sldkfjasodifjkdlfj it's okay. I'll deal. I'm not sure right now if it's better or worse that it is entirely my own fault and I've brought this on myself. alskjdfaof

Whateveeeeeeeralks dfkalsdjf

/goes to play with babies

It's only going to get worse before it gets better.


massive fail, why am i like this

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