(no subject)

Dec 31, 2009 17:03

Last day of the year, and this decade. I feel like I should have some reflections to go here, but I ... really don't have any. That I feel like writing down and keeping for posterity anyway.

Instead, I spent most of today watching Dollhouse and working on my Cultural Revolution primary sources paper. A strange combination, but somehow working. Which is ... strange. XD;; The series isn't bad, actually; the acting isn't amazing, but the premise is pretty interesting. Also the tech geek guy is adorable except for the fact that he reminds me of my PACS T.A., which is not a point in his favour at all. Ah well. Still waiting for Summer Glau to show up.

Found a small snippet of fic I wrote after I read Secret Six 9 waaaaaaay back when. It was fairly amusing, so maybe I'll pick it up again and try to turn it into something halfway plotty. After, I finish your gift!fic, Theo (I haven't forgotten, I swear) and this essay and the Beattie application. After that... we'll see.

Aaaand that's about as much of a New Year's resolution as I'm going to make. Probably bad luck even to make this one, since I can never seem to keep them. :|

Eh, whatever.

Whether it's here for you yet or not...


I hope it's a wonderful, productive, inspiring, and happy one for all of you. &hearts

ringing in the new year

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