these are some of my favourite things;

Aug 18, 2009 18:58

Fire and stars.

Thus, unsurprisingly, the highlight of my camping trip was when I was sitting in front of a crackling bonfire and I could look up to a night sky full of stars. Not a sight I get to indulge in very often in the city.

A close second was when we went to the beach the second night in the evening and stayed until about 10 pm. I'm not terribly fond of the beach as a rule, but now I know what I'm doing wrong; I've been going at the wrong time of day. During the day, idk it's never been that impressive to me, especially if it's crowded and noisy and scattered with litter with the blazing sun scorching down on me. At night, however, it's beautiful and I just pretty much lay there for an hour on the sand and watched as the stars came out to play. Breathtaking only begins to describe how nice it was to have the breeze skim over me and the Milky Way twinkling above. The sand that constantly settled onto my face was only a minor blip in how awesome the experience was. I must do it more often, and hopefully I shall be able to see the stars on the beaches in Toronto too.

While we were leaving, because there was some lightning rolling in the distance, we saw a shooting star. It was the first shooting star I've ever seen, and it was amazing; it lasted for almost ten seconds and you could actually see it arc and then burn itself out as it went from white-blueish to orangey before fading out. All those poems waxing lyrical about the cosmic connection you feel when you see stars etc etc start to make more sense when you actually see them for yourself. If I ever left the city, I would miss a heck of a lot, and I don't think I could ever do it, but the promise of stars and clear skies make it very tempting sometimes.

Apart from that, there are always sometimes-hilarious, sometimes-groanworthy stories to be had when parents gather together. There was a healthy mixture of both this time, but more of the former including one story about how one dad was tricked by his friends into pissing off a fire ant and bitten. He then encouraged his own small son to do the same thing. Oh Chinese parents. Lessons must be learned the hard way, and all. XD;;

I shall attempt pictures tomorrow, but suffice to say the trip went better than I'd expected and I only got three bites! This is a record. There was also rock-climbing done. |Db

Moving in about two weeks, which I'm anticipating with a mixture of excitement, apprehension, and apathy.

Which, coincidentally, pretty much describes my general feelings toward RP right now. Not sure if it's just the characters whose voices I'm not that compatible with, or just that I'm burning out. I've always had a bit of a commitment phobia, and I'm wary about vesting too much of myself in something. Maybe it's just that. Unfortunately, that's something I don't know how to rectify. We'll see. Thinking of throwing Kaku out for another test drive.

/re-reads more Secret Six

mosquitoes+ jasmine =/= otp, these are my camping tags, real staaaars, rl

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