(no subject)

Aug 14, 2009 16:15

Right so, I phoned the OSAP people this morning and wow, hello counsellor, do you always sound so grumpy? "Ooookay?" is not the best way to reassure a potentially panicked and screwed student that he/she will be okay with your shining guidance. Really. Just sayin'.

Still, I can forgive that. Apparently, my application was reassessed twice over the course of two days (honestly, do they just not have enough to do or something?) and I only got the earlier "hello, you're fucked" report. My funding's okay for now, just like the website says. Thank whatever gods there are.

The rest of the day shall be spent see-sawing between taking care of a cute, but demanding little girl, packing for camping, and laying out preparations for dinner. You don't appreciate how much your mom does until she's thousands of miles away in China for a month, and the entire house is running sort of on halfs: halfish meals (my dad can still cook worth his salt, at least), half-assed cleaning (none of us like cleaning D:), half-assed laundry, etc.

And that waiting list for that history seminar class? The turnover rate would have to be 200+% for me to make it. lol, I SHALL HOLD OUT HOPE REGARDLESS. :|

university, rl

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