Found the apartment, and we're moving before the end of the month. He's just as excited as I am...perhaps more excited. I'm a little concerned about the nights alone. We could have moved in July 1. I think I'm dragging my feet because I'm terrified of being lonely. I've never been the kind of person who likes to spend a lot of time alone. I'd rather be surrounded by people. That may come from growing up in a household of 6.
My Chocolate event that I mentioned in the last entry was a huge success. I finally feel like I deserve my job...that was kind of my chance to proove myself.
Summer is flying by. This is my first summer without a full load of classes in a few years. It's been nice, too, to have the kind of job where I never have to work on the weekends. It's the last summer in this lakehouse. The new one will be built by next summer though.
Dustin wants to buy a lake house. I mentioned that we should probably work on a first home before we talk about a vacation home, though. He made a great point, though. I don't plan on being in Greensburg forever (I'm under contract for two years...I'll likely move on after that), so buying a house in Greensburg makes no sense. I told him that we should probably wait until December to seriously consider any big purchases like that. He agreed.
I can't find a good book. I've read all of Chuck's. I've read all of Nick's. I need to venture out...but I don't know where to start. I busy myself with meatless chick flick-esque novels, but they don't leave me with the same feeling that I get from my favorite authors. And I think I've had enough non-fiction for a while. Can someone help me, please?
I'm at the lake house alone and it's creeping me out. I know Dustin is working today (I know, working on Saturdays....blech) but I have no idea where everyone else went. I'm kind of hungry, but I've been holding out because we usually all eat lunch together. I'm guessing that everyone has something else going on. So I guess I'll go find my own lunch...
Bobbi, Abby and I started a new yoga class at the YMCA last Tuesday (my Y rocks...check it out: The instructor is 62 years old and looks incredible. I've always enjoyed yoga as a relaxation tool, but when I want to work out, I go for the cardio that'll leave me sweaty or the weight training that will make my muscles burn. I should mention that I will be in yoga class EVERY Tuesday from now on! There was an older man in the class (I would guess that he's in his mid 70's) and he was kicking our asses. The guy could seriously just fold in half. It was nuts...we were all very jealous.
I was up at the lake most of last week (holiday in the middle of the week...great idea!) and Brooke is going to Dallas next week. That means two weeks without seeing her! I'm a sad girl. Kelly has been in Fla. for a week, and she returns this weekend. We have plans for Monday (I love that we have the same day off) so that'll be nice.
That's kind of all I've got right now. There's one other thing that's going on in my life right now that I'm kind of struggling with...but I don't think that I'm going to talk about it here. It is an issue that I would like some feedback on, though. So keep an eye our for a friends-only post, I guess.
Hope everyone is enjoying summer!