This week has proven to be exhausting already.
This weekend was PIR. (Phx Int'l Raceway) That means that my school (well really, the dedicated teachers) worked concession at the nascar event. I did cheesesteaks and beer on Saturday and I was the Margarita girl all day on Sunday... which means I had creepy 50 year old men hit on me while I made them/their wives margaritas. I made a good bit in tips though... I'd be willing to bet I made about $150-200 just by myself. Unfortunately, I don't get to keep that for me. But the good thing is it goes to my school for items for my students. (Though I was told we'd get to discuss what it goes towards, even though apparently it's already been decided.) I think I want to find a bartending job though. It was pretty fun on Sunday even though it was tiring... and I make a mean margarita if I do say so myself.
Yesterday we had a KC meeting afterschool. My club is full of crazy energetic students, which means our meetings are crazy. I did get to leave earlier than expected, as we have two officers on the basketball team and they have practice... and then we also had a girl that had to leave to go babysit.
I got my chiropractor appointment right on time. Man, he cracks my neck hardcore. I can't crack my neck by it's crazy to me when he moves it. (And slightly scary)
I did get a little bit of time to relax yesterday - and I had planned to watch one Doctor Who and then sleep... but the funny part is that I actually watched the final episode with David Tennant... and realized about half way through it was a three hour episode. Good episode. Not going to lie - teared up a little bit. The Doctor before him left on such a positive note, and Tennant looked like he was in pain (emotionally and physically). It just didn't seem to fit his character well.
Tonight I'm at the school wicked long for Humanities night. It's supposed to be a night where students show off their English and Social Studies projects to the community for the 7th and 8th grade. Instead it's really more of a 8th Grade Social Studies night. Awesome. I love being dependable... That pretty much I'll be here all night.
The goal is to leave by 7.45 (that's really optimistic) so I can get my wrist piercing re-sunk. (One of the middle ones keeps lifting up... it always looks infected because of it, even though it's not.) I'll be at work for almost 15 hours by that point. Awesome.
Tomorrow night is class, so no early night there. Then Thursday is Builders Club. Friday I'll probably spend in a coffee shop so I can try to finish my grad portfolio. (In reality, I'll probably get 2 more standards done out of 6... as it already took me like 5 hours to get the first two done.) Saturday is also a coffee shop day after I hit up the gym. I'll do my internship portfolio and finish my grad portfolio. I also need to grade some papers. Sunday is hopefully a day just for me. Short of laundry.... I don't want to do any work.
Then only two more days of work until I get to go home. HOMMMMEEEEE. yay.
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