Nov 12, 2010 20:30
Currently sitting at a coffee shop. I'm a self-admitted coffee shop whore. I work best here. I also like to book steal - meaning I like to see what people are reading and write it down and check out the books... some of my favorite books have been from coffee shop creepin. I also have shazamed a nice chunk of songs while I've been here, including the one playing now by the Stars. I like them. I like this place.
Recently life has had an interesting set of twists and turns.
My car is now in the shop - for a very long time. A lady blew through a stop sign and slammed into my car. It's her fault, so thankfully I'm not paying to fix it... or the rental car... or for chiropractor bills.
Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise? I don't like to believe in fate, because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control. But sometimes I think that everything happens for a reason. It reminds me of lyrics from Katy Perry's Firework song: "Maybe the reason why all the doors are closed is so you can open one that leads you to the perfect road."
So I'm hoping I'm closing in on the perfect road soon, because seriously... these closed doors are started to piss me off.
I've been butting heads with my boss, and I feel like he really doesn't respect me. I give my absolute all at work - and I just wish I felt appreciated. I'm not one that works for awards and recognition, but it's nice to just hear "thank you" once in a while. I kind of feels like I'm busting my non-existant balls without so much as a nod of appreciation. Half the time he walks past me in the hallway without any sort of recognition.
I don't know where life is going to take me next year. What I know is that I'm not exactly happy right now - and life is too short to be in a situation where I'm not happy.
I've been thinking a lot about coming home within a year instead of spending two more out here. I miss the east coast. I also fell in love with DC when visiting, and could seriously see myself spending a few years of my life there.
I think I just need a change a scenery. I've been in AZ for going on 6 years now. That's a nice chunk of my life.
Oh life, I don't know where you're taking me - but please get me there sooner. I'm much too impatient for these rocky roads.