Oct 11, 2012 00:25
Today, another epically fantastic day. Mostly because I am so darn excited about our trip to California on Monday and because it seems so crazy silly and fake, that I have permagrin :)
In everyday news, it was busy but good-Eli had preschool this morning, I just love the montessori preschool he started this year at our local Y, literally like 30 seconds away from our new house, it's so great, and he is just thriving there. The mama who ran the in home preschool M and E went to decided to take a hiatus this year, so we looked into the Y and loved it, and so far Eli is having an absolute blast, he goes 9-12 M/W/F. Fridays they swim and he looks forward to that all week!
It might seem kind of weird or silly that we homeschool and we put him in preschool, but EVERY activity here for homeschoolers starts at age 4, and that really sucks.He, unlike Mairi, MUST be active and MUST be doing stuff or he gets insane, which drives the rest of us insane! Plus it makes doing stuff with Mairi much easier when he's not bouncing around distracting her. He gets time to focus on his stuff, M gets to focus on hers, and Lachlan takes a nap, LOL.
We went to a big huge rummage sale for the Ronald McDonald house, but didn't really find much, the kids each got a few small things with their $$ they saved up, and maybe we will go back to the bag sale on Saturday.
This afternoon my gram came in to watch the kids while K and I did some shopping for Cali. We didn't really find what we needed (thrifting makes it tricky like that!) but got some stuff we needed at Walmart at least. (and with a gift card, all the better).
K had to teach a class, and then we went to the Y. Came home for dinner, kids in bed, doing schoolwork and such now. So not a whole lot going on today, but Keith and I just keep randomly freaking out and laughing hysterically to each other, it's quite amusing. At least to us ;)
Keith's client I is taking Mairi out on a date tomorrow, M is so so excited! She is taking Mairi out to a fancy dinner and to Mary Poppins at the Auditorium. I is in her 60s and has no kids (ergo, no grandkids) and she totally spoils our kids, she really is like the most amazing fairy grandmother to them. Absolutely such a blessing. She's even offered to help out while we are in CA!
On that note, time for bed for me!!