Apr 15, 2019 09:30
Back in college when I was a very active D&D player I came up with an idea for a campaign. I created a continent, plus I had general ideas for two other continents and an alternate universe type setting. The two side continents had basic histories with an idea for a big bad and a general outline of how I wanted things to go. The main continent had a pretty large history and background as well as a starting point and an idea of where I wanted it to end, but no real middle. Although I figured it would be up to the characters and that theoretically, they could have set off even to the other continents had they chosen. Which, at the time, I figured was fine.
Well, in the previous couple years, mostly from talking with my friend Jess while she was slow at the bank, I've been thinking about that old campaign again. Both remembering old stories I created and expanding on my old ideas, especially since some of the stuff has been updated for 5th Edition. Since then I've come to realize that I didn't actually have one campaign in mind. I now feel like the 3 continents can actually be their own, separate campaigns, with the alternate universe setting being an epic level type campaign that the players can then go to after the other campaigns have concluded. Taking whichever of their characters they want from the 3 settings.
I'm actually feeling a little motivated to try and see if I can actually do this. I had kind of tried once before, but the only player I had was my girlfriend Steph and that wasn't going to work for what I had planned. But right now I have two active groups of people I play with and I'm definitely open to the idea. I've got other things to do first and I'll probably want at least one of these campaigns to finish up before I do it, since 3 active campaigns seems a little much.
Those are my D&D thoughts that I wanted to share. Mostly just to share, since I'm pretty sure nobody goes on here any more.