Sep 27, 2007 10:57
mmm. fall time again. at first i was resistant to change. i said: leaves!!! stop falling immediately! i am not through with summer. but i guess now i am ready for it.
you know, i hate change. i have always felt this way. i am just no good with transitions. i get worried and anxious and most of all, sad for the past or for things to be over. james is pretty much done with bosco's (his pizza shop) and is going to lease the building out since he owns the property now. and i am all worried about taking the sign down because i think it's sad, and he is rejoicing that he gets to move onto the next thing.
even if the thing hasn't brought me all the joy in the world, i still get sad for it not to be there anymore. it's just the sense of loss that i don't do well with i think. it's the worst with people, but not limited to cars, seasons, apartments, my mom's sugar bowl i broke a long time ago, hairstyles, favorite cds, the list goes on...
i don't always hate change though. i like trying new foods, i try to always order something different.
and then about 2 days ago, i had the strangest new feeling. not only do i get anxious about things changing, but i am anxious about things staying the same. clearly this is a problem. i am two people in one body. there is not room for both!!
hmpfh. i had intended to write about my upcoming trip to cali, but then all this surfaced. you can't control what the journal wants to talk about!