americafuckyou, anyone else who would like to join in!
What: So a drugged up Russian mobster and an American CIA agent arrive in a city....and the mobster starts to kill people.
Where: Avasta Station, around the Business District in general
When: Morning
Rating: PG-13. Will update if the fighting gets at all graphic, though I doubt it will.
bang bang. )
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They were yelling, too. Familiar orders this time, stop where he is, place the weapons on the ground, and while this sort of noise the mobster did notice, he paid it just as little attention as before ( ... )
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Then again, Gene had never really been found of shooting unless he was the one doing it! Especially when there were sub-machine guns involved. What was wrong with the classics? Like Gene's own beloved Colt Python. One thing he detested more than some scumbag bastard bringing a shoot-out to his patch was a scumbag bastard cop killer!
"I don't negotiate with terrorist bastard cop killers." Even if technically the negotiating was with CIA and not said cop killer - minor details. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow his fucking head off!"
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It kept Brayko's finger off the trigger, at the very least. The warning registered, if only dimly, but he didn't lower the guns, and in a blink one was aimed directly at the lead officer, the second ready to turn on any of his men that moved, and despite the dull ache in his back and the slight tremor in his hands he kept his aim surprisingly steady.
"You," he snarled at Gene, accent thick and words stilted; understanding English was one thing. Trying to speak it when he was so out of practice was another entirely. "Who brought me here?"
He could hear Thorton, but couldn't see him, couldn't risk taking his eyes off either the officers still holding ground or their man in charge. His eyes narrowed, bloodshot and almost frantic as he ( ... )
"That'd be the System then. They're the ones who bring us here. All of us. To fight their war. Course, not quite sure what they were thinking bringing you here since you seem to be shooting at the good guys." Bloody cop killer. It was hard enough getting a decent force together as it was without some bastard shooting them up.
And then he had the nerve to ramble on in some foreign language? Marvellous. "Speak ruddy English before I shoot you!"
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After a moment of hesitation, he stepped back, sent a quick, all too frustrated glance at Thorton. But then a moment after that, he actually heeded the man's warning. With something akin to a snarl, Brayko locked eyes with Gene one more time, and finally let both guns drop, the weapons clattering to the ground. Very slowly, he raised up his empty hands.
Thorton had better know just what the hell he was doing.
"You give me a guarantee no more folks will get their innards blown out and I can guarantee he'll be taken in alive." Of course, whether he made it through interrogation alive was another matter entirely...
Gene threw a pair of handcuffs at Thorton. "Cuff him." Hey, Brayko may've dropped his guns but there was no telling what other weaponry he might have on his person! Gene wasn't stupid.
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But the agent would get them both out of here alive. Right? He had to trust him with this, just this once.
"Can't even say your own fucking rights correctly," he said distractedly, and winced when Thorton hauled him back up to his feet, teeth grit against the pain. Damn, that did kind of sting that time. But he could still stand under his own power, could still think straight. And as far as he could feel it, it couldn't have been a bad wound at all ( ... )
On the plus side, the bastard cop killer was cuffed and unarmed. One step at a time. Next step? Get the bastard cop killing civilian shooting scumbag off the streets and into police custody.
"They're not my System. I was brought 'ere exactly the same way as you lot." And he hadn't shot anyone!
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The blood-rimmed look that Brayko sent up at Thorton next was just short of absolutely livid.
"Soon as I'm out of these handcuffs you sorry piece of shit-"
"Might want to patch up his wounds first." He turned his attention to Brayko. "Course, if I had my way I'd let you bleed to death all over the ground. You know, like my officers, that you killed..."
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