accidental video --> audio | post-event

Dec 01, 2012 03:13

[The feed flickers on and Dean curses under his breath when it does. Before he can shut it off, the clear image of the left side of his face is seen, his freckled skin splattered with blood, his pupil in his eye blown wide, and behind him is the shape of the back of a large wooden framework, where someone's arm can clearly be seen poking out from the side, where they're strung up to it.

Dean fumbles with the video function, turning it off quickly and getting it to audio as soon as he can. His breathing is a little shallow but he manages not to sound freaked out, even if he clearly is.]

Sam-- Sammy? You okay? Tell me where you are, we gotta talk. [Movement is heard, and then a sudden crash as metal hits the concrete floor.]

Can anyone explain what the Hell happened this week? [The call ends abruptly, after Dean rasps out a quick "Son of a bitch." and another loud clatter.]

dean winchester

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